// https://github.com/Olical/EventEmitter (function(){"use strict";function t(){}function i(t,n){for(var e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].listener===n)return e;return-1}function n(e){return function(){return this[e].apply(this,arguments)}}var e=t.prototype,r=this,s=r.EventEmitter;e.getListeners=function(n){var r,e,t=this._getEvents();if(n instanceof RegExp){r={};for(e in t)t.hasOwnProperty(e)&&n.test(e)&&(r[e]=t[e])}else r=t[n]||(t[n]=[]);return r},e.flattenListeners=function(t){var e,n=[];for(e=0;eparseJSON: ' + e.message, {dt: -1, type: 5, answer: obj}); return eval('('+obj+')'); } } : function(obj) { return eval('('+obj+')'); } var cur = {destroy: [], nav: []}; // Current page variables and navigation map. var _ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var browser = { version: (_ua.match( /.+(?:me|ox|on|rv|it|ra|ie)[\/: ]([\d.]+)/ ) || [0,'0'])[1], opera: /opera/i.test(_ua), msie: (/msie/i.test(_ua) && !/opera/i.test(_ua)), msie6: (/msie 6/i.test(_ua) && !/opera/i.test(_ua)), msie7: (/msie 7/i.test(_ua) && !/opera/i.test(_ua)), msie8: (/msie 8/i.test(_ua) && !/opera/i.test(_ua)), msie9: (/msie 9/i.test(_ua) && !/opera/i.test(_ua)), mozilla: /firefox/i.test(_ua), chrome: /chrome/i.test(_ua), safari: (!(/chrome/i.test(_ua)) && /webkit|safari|khtml/i.test(_ua)), iphone: /iphone/i.test(_ua), ipod: /ipod/i.test(_ua), iphone4: /iphone.*OS 4/i.test(_ua), ipod4: /ipod.*OS 4/i.test(_ua), ipad: /ipad/i.test(_ua), safari_mobile: /iphone|ipod|ipad/i.test(_ua), android: /android/i.test(_ua), opera_mobile: /opera mini|opera mobi/i.test(_ua), mobile: /iphone|ipod|ipad|opera mini|opera mobi/i.test(_ua), mac: /mac/i.test(_ua) }; var mobPlatforms = {1:1,2:1,3:1,4:1,5:1}; if (!window.vk) window.vk = {loginscheme: 'http', ip_h: ''}; (function() { var flash = [0, 0, 0], axon = 'ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash'; var wrapType = 'embed', wrapParam = 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash" '; var escapeAttr = function(v) { return v.toString().replace('&', '&').replace('"', '"'); } if (navigator.plugins && navigator.mimeTypes && navigator.mimeTypes.length) { var x = navigator.plugins['Shockwave Flash']; if (x && x.description) { var ver = x.description.replace(/([a-zA-Z]|\s)+/, '').replace(/(\s+r|\s+b[0-9]+)/, '.').split('.'); for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) flash[i] = ver[i] || 0; } } else { if (_ua.indexOf('Windows CE') >= 0) { var axo = true, ver = 6; while (axo) { try { ++ver; axo = new ActiveXObject(axon + '.' + ver); flash[0] = ver; } catch(e) {} } } else { try { var axo = new ActiveXObject(axon + '.7'); flash = axo.GetVariable('$version').split(' ')[1].split(','); } catch (e) {} } wrapType = 'object'; wrapParam = 'classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" '; } browser.flashwrap = (wrapType == 'embed') ? function(opts, params) { params = extend({ id: opts.id, name: opts.id, width: opts.width, height: opts.height, style: opts.style, preventhide: opts.preventhide }, params); if (browser.flash >= opts.version) { params.src = opts.url; } else { params.src = opts.express; } var paramsStr = []; for (var i in params) { var p = params[i]; if (p !== undefined && p !== null) { paramsStr.push(i + '="' + escapeAttr(p) + '" '); } } return ''; } : function(opts, params) { if (browser.flash >= opts.version) { params.movie = opts.url; } else { params.movie = opts.express; } var attr = { id: opts.id, width: opts.width, height: opts.height, style: opts.style, preventhide: opts.preventhide } var attrStr = []; for (var i in attr) { var p = attr[i]; if (p !== undefined && p !== null) { attrStr.push(i + '="' + escapeAttr(p) + '" '); } } var paramsStr = []; for (var i in params) { var p = params[i]; if (p !== undefined && p !== null) { paramsStr.push(''); } } return '' + paramsStr.join('') + ''; } if (flash[0] < 7) flash = [0, 0, 0]; browser.flash = intval(flash[0]); browser.flashfull = { major: browser.flash, minor: intval(flash[1]), rev: intval(flash[2]) } })(); for (var i in StaticFiles) { var f = StaticFiles[i]; f.t = (i.indexOf('.css') != -1) ? 'css' : 'js'; f.n = i.replace(/[\\/\\.]/g, '_'); f.l = 0; f.c = 0; } window.locHost = location.host; window.locProtocol = location.protocol; window.__dev = /[a-z0-9_\-]+\.[a-z0-9_\-]+\.[a-z0-9_\-]+\.[a-z0-9_\-]+/i.test(locHost); if (!__dev) __debugMode = false; window.locHash = location.hash.replace('#/', '').replace('#!', ''); window.locDomain = locHost.toString().match(/[a-zA-Z]+\.[a-zA-Z]+\.?$/)[0]; window.locBase = location.toString().replace(/#.+$/, ''); if (!vk.nodomain) { if (!browser.msie6 || document.domain != locDomain) document.domain = locDomain; } window.__qlTimer = null; window.__qlClear = function() { clearTimeout(__qlTimer); setTimeout(function() { clearTimeout(__qlTimer); }, 2000); } window.onLoginDone = function () { __qlClear(); nav.reload({force: true, from: 6}); } window.onLogout = function() { __qlClear(); } function onLoginFailed(code, opts) { __qlClear(); } function onLoginCaptcha(sid, dif) { __qlClear(); } /* Debug */ window._logTimer = (new Date()).getTime(); function debugLog(msg) { try { var t = '[' + (((new Date()).getTime() - _logTimer) / 1000) + '] '; if (ge('debuglog')) { if (msg === null) { msg = '[NULL]'; } else if (msg === undefined) { msg = '[UNDEFINED]'; } ge('debuglog').innerHTML += t + msg.toString().replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>')+'
'; } if (window.console && console.log) { Array.prototype.unshift.call(arguments, t); console.log.apply(console, arguments); } } catch (e) { } } /* Utils */ function isRetina() { return window.devicePixelRatio >= 2; } function onlinePlatformClass(platform) { var cls = ''; if (platform) { cls += 'online '; } if (mobPlatforms[platform]) { cls += 'mobile'; } return cls; } function toggleOnline(obj, platform) { removeClass(obj, 'online'); removeClass(obj, 'mobile'); addClass(obj, onlinePlatformClass(platform)); } function updateOnlineText() {} // Parse strings looking for color tuples [255,255,255] function getRGB(color) { var result; if (color && isArray(color) && color.length == 3) return color; if (result = /rgb\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*\)/.exec(color)) return [parseInt(result[1]), parseInt(result[2]), parseInt(result[3])]; if (result = /rgb\(\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*\)/.exec(color)) return [parseFloat(result[1])*2.55, parseFloat(result[2])*2.55, parseFloat(result[3])*2.55]; if (result = /#([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/.exec(color)) return [parseInt(result[1],16), parseInt(result[2],16), parseInt(result[3],16)]; if (result = /#([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])/.exec(color)) return [parseInt(result[1]+result[1],16), parseInt(result[2]+result[2],16), parseInt(result[3]+result[3],16)]; } function formatTime(t) { var res, sec, min, hour; t = Math.max(t, 0); sec = Math.round(t % 60); res = (sec < 10) ? '0'+sec : sec; t = Math.floor(t / 60); min = t % 60; res = min+':'+res; t = Math.floor(t / 60); if (t > 0) { if (min < 10) res = '0' + res; res = t+':'+res; } return res; } function vkNow() { return +new Date; } Function.prototype.pbind = function() { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); args.unshift(window); return this.bind.apply(this, args); }; if (!Function.prototype.bind) { Function.prototype.bind = function() { var func = this, args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); var obj = args.shift(); return function() { var curArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); return func.apply(obj, args.concat(curArgs)); } } } function rand(mi, ma) { return Math.random() * (ma - mi + 1) + mi; } function irand(mi, ma) { return Math.floor(rand(mi, ma)); } function isUndefined(obj) { return typeof obj === 'undefined' }; function isFunction(obj) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Function]'; } function isString(obj) { return typeof obj === 'string'; } function isArray(obj) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Array]'; } function isObject(obj) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Object]' && !(browser.msie8 && obj && obj.item !== 'undefined' && obj.namedItem !== 'undefined'); } function isEmpty(o) { if(Object.prototype.toString.call(o) !== '[object Object]') {return false;} for(var i in o){ if(o.hasOwnProperty(i)){return false;} } return true; } function vkImage() { return window.Image ? (new Image()) : ce('img'); // IE8 workaround } function intval(value) { if (value === true) return 1; return parseInt(value) || 0; } function floatval(value) { if (value === true) return 1; return parseFloat(value) || 0; } function positive(value) { value = intval(value); return value < 0 ? 0 : value; } function replaceEntities(str) { return se('').value; } function clean(str) { return str ? (str+'').replace(/&/g, '&').replace(//g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, ''') : ''; } function unclean(str) { return replaceEntities((str+'').replace(/\t/g, "\n")); } function each(object, callback) { if (!isObject(object) && typeof object.length !== 'undefined') { for (var i = 0, length = object.length; i < length; i++) { var value = object[i]; if (callback.call(value, i, value) === false) break; } } else { for (var name in object) { if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, name)) continue; if (callback.call(object[name], name, object[name]) === false) break; } } return object; } function indexOf(arr, value, from) { for (var i = from || 0, l = (arr || []).length; i < l; i++) { if (arr[i] == value) return i; } return -1; } function inArray(value, arr) { return indexOf(arr, value) != -1; } function clone(obj, req) { var newObj = !isObject(obj) && typeof obj.length !== 'undefined' ? [] : {}; for (var i in obj) { if (/webkit/i.test(_ua) && (i == 'layerX' || i == 'layerY' || i == 'webkitMovementX' || i == 'webkitMovementY')) continue; if (req && typeof(obj[i]) === 'object' && i !== 'prototype' && obj[i] !== null) { newObj[i] = clone(obj[i]); } else { newObj[i] = obj[i]; } } return newObj; } // Computes the difference of arrays by keys and values function arrayKeyDiff(a) { var arr_dif = {}, i = 1, argc = arguments.length, argv = arguments, key, found; for (key in a){ found = false; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++){ if (argv[i][key] && (argv[i][key] == a[key])){ found = true; } } if (!found) { arr_dif[key] = a[key]; } } return arr_dif; } function extend() { var a = arguments, target = a[0] || {}, i = 1, l = a.length, deep = false, options; if (typeof target === 'boolean') { deep = target; target = a[1] || {}; i = 2; } if (typeof target !== 'object' && !isFunction(target)) target = {}; for (; i < l; ++i) { if ((options = a[i]) != null) { for (var name in options) { var src = target[name], copy = options[name]; if (target === copy) continue; if (deep && copy && typeof copy === 'object' && !copy.nodeType) { target[name] = extend(deep, src || (copy.length != null ? [] : {}), copy); } else if (copy !== undefined) { target[name] = copy; } } } } return target; } function cleanObj(data) { if (isObject(data)) { var dataCleaned = {}; for(var i in data) { dataCleaned[i.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/g, '')] = cleanObj(data[i]); } } else if (isArray(data)) { var dataCleaned = []; for(var i in data) { dataCleaned.push(cleanObj(data[i])); } } else { var type = typeof(data); if (type == 'number' || type == 'boolean' || type == 'function') { var dataCleaned = data; } else { var dataCleaned = clean(data); } } return dataCleaned; } /* Store data connected to element */ window.vkExpand = 'VK' + vkNow(); window.vkUUID = 0; window.vkCache = {}; function data(elem, name, data) { var id = elem[vkExpand], undefined; if (!id) { id = elem[vkExpand] = ++vkUUID; } if (name && !vkCache[id]) { vkCache[id] = {}; if (__debugMode) vkCache[id].__elem = elem; } if (data !== undefined) { vkCache[id][name] = data; } return name ? vkCache[id][name] : id; } function attr(el, attrName, value) { el = ge(el); if (typeof value == 'undefined') { return el.getAttribute(attrName); } else { el.setAttribute(attrName, value); return value; } } function removeAttr(el) { for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) { var n = arguments[i]; if (el[n] === undefined) continue; try { delete el[n]; } catch(e) { try { el.removeAttribute(n); } catch(e) {} } } } function removeData(elem, name) { var id = elem ? elem[vkExpand] : false; if (!id) return; if (name) { if (vkCache[id]) { delete vkCache[id][name]; name = ''; for (name in vkCache[id]) { break; } if (!name) { removeData(elem); } } } else { removeEvent(elem); removeAttr(elem, vkExpand); delete vkCache[id]; } } function cleanElems() { var a = arguments; for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { var el = ge(a[i]); if (el) { removeData(el); removeAttr(el, 'btnevents'); } } } /* Lang */ function trim(text) { return (text || '').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); } function stripHTML(text) { return text ? text.replace(/<(?:.|\s)*?>/g, '') : ''; } function escapeRE(s) { return s ? s.replace(/([.*+?^${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1') : ''; } function langWordNumeric(num, words, arr) { if (isArray(words) && num < words.length) { return words[num]; } return langNumeric(num, arr); } function langNumeric(count, vars, formatNum) { if (!vars || !window.langConfig) { return count; } var res; if (!isArray(vars)) { res = vars; } else { res = vars[1]; if(count != Math.floor(count)) { res = vars[langConfig.numRules['float']]; } else { each(langConfig.numRules['int'], function(i,v){ if (v[0] == '*') { res = vars[v[2]]; return false; } var c = v[0] ? count % v[0] : count; if(indexOf(v[1], c) != -1) { res = vars[v[2]]; return false; } }); } } if (formatNum) { var n = count.toString().split('.'), c = []; for(var i = n[0].length - 3; i > -3; i -= 3) { c.unshift(n[0].slice(i > 0 ? i : 0, i + 3)); } n[0] = c.join(langConfig.numDel); count = n.join(langConfig.numDec); } res = (res || '%s').replace('%s', count); return res; } function langSex(sex, vars) { if (!isArray(vars)) return vars; var res = vars[1]; if (!window.langConfig) return res; each(langConfig.sexRules, function(i,v){ if (v[0] == '*') { res = vars[v[1]]; return false; } if (sex == v[0] && vars[v[1]]) { res = vars[v[1]]; return false; } }); return res; } function langStr(vars) { var res = vars + '', args = arguments, args_count = args.length; for (var i = 1; i < args_count; i += 2) { var token = args[i][0] == '%' ? args[i] : '{' + args[i] + '}'; res = res.replace(token, args[i + 1]); } return res; } function getLang() { try { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); var key = args.shift(); if (!key) return '...'; var val = (window.cur.lang && window.cur.lang[key]) || (window.lang && window.lang[key]) || (window.langpack && window.langpack[key]) || window[key]; if (!val) { var res = key.split('_'); res.shift(); return res.join(' '); } if (isFunction(val)) { return val.apply(null, args); } else if ((args[0] !== undefined || isArray(val)) && args[0] !== 'raw') { return langNumeric(args[0], val, args[1]); } else { return val; } } catch(e) { debugLog('lang error:' + e.message + '(' + Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join(', ') + ')'); } } function checkTextLength(maxLen, inp, warn, nobr, cut, force, utf) { var value = (inp.getValue) ? inp.getValue() : inp.value, lastLen = inp.lastLen || 0; if (inp.lastLen === value.length && !force) return; inp.lastLen = value.length; var spec = {'&':5,'<':4,'>':4,'"':6,"\n":(nobr?1:4),"\r":0,'!':5,"'":5,'$':6,'\\':6}, good = {0x490:1,0x491:1,0x2013:1,0x2014:1,0x2018:1,0x2019:1,0x201a:1,0x2026:1,0x2030:1,0x2039:1,0x203a:1,0x20ac:1,0x2116:1,0x2122:1,0xfffd:1}, bad = {0x40d:1,0x450:1,0x45d:1}; if (cut) spec[','] = 5; var countRealLen = function(text, nobr) { var res = 0; for (var i = 0, l = text.length; i < l; i++) { var k = spec[text.charAt(i)], c = text.charCodeAt(i); if (k !== undefined) { res += k; } else if (!utf && c >= 0x80 && (c < 0x401 || bad[c] || c > 0x45f) && !good[c] && (c < 0x201c || c > 0x201e) && (c < 0x2020 || c > 0x2022)) { res += ('&#' + c + ';').length; } else { res += 1; } } return res; }; var realCut = function(text, len) { var curLen = 0, res = ''; for (var i = 0, l = text.length; i < l; i++) { var symbol = text.charAt(i), k = spec[symbol], c = text.charCodeAt(i); if (k !== undefined) { curLen += k; } else if (!utf && c >= 0x80 && (c < 0x401 || bad[c] || c > 0x45f) && !good[c] && (c < 0x201c || c > 0x201e) && (c < 0x2020 || c > 0x2022)) { curLen += ('&#' + c + ';').length; } else { curLen += 1; } if (curLen > len) break; res += symbol; } return res; } var realLen = countRealLen(value, nobr); warn = ge(warn); if (realLen > maxLen - 100) { show(warn); if (realLen > maxLen) { if (cut) { var cutVal = val(inp, realCut(value, Math.min(maxLen, lastLen))); inp.lastLen = cutVal.length; warn.innerHTML = getLang('text_N_symbols_remain', 0); } else { warn.innerHTML = getLang('text_exceeds_symbol_limit', realLen - maxLen); } } else { warn.innerHTML = getLang('text_N_symbols_remain', maxLen - realLen); } } else { hide(warn); } } function winToUtf(text) { return text.replace(/&#(\d\d+);/g, function(s, c) { c = intval(c); return (c >= 32) ? String.fromCharCode(c) : s; }).replace(/"/gi, '"').replace(/</gi, '<').replace(/>/gi, '>').replace(/&/gi, '&'); } function parseLatin(text) { var outtext = text; var lat1 = ['yo','zh','kh','ts','ch','sch','shch','sh','eh','yu','ya','YO','ZH','KH','TS','CH','SCH','SHCH','SH','EH','YU','YA',"'"]; var rus1 = ['¸', 'æ', 'õ', 'ö', '÷', 'ù', 'ù', 'ø', 'ý', 'þ', 'ÿ', '¨', 'Æ', 'Õ', 'Ö', '×', 'Ù', 'Ù', 'Ø', 'Ý', 'Þ', 'ß', 'ü']; for (var i = 0; i < lat1.length; i++) { outtext = outtext.split(lat1[i]).join(rus1[i]); } var lat2 = 'abvgdezijklmnoprstufhcyABVGDEZIJKLMNOPRSTUFHCY¸¨'; var rus2 = 'àáâãäåçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöûÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖÛåÅ'; for (var i = 0; i < lat2.length; i++) { outtext = outtext.split(lat2.charAt(i)).join(rus2.charAt(i)); } return (outtext == text) ? null : outtext; } function addLangKeys(keys, global) { var obj = global ? window : window.cur; if (!obj.lang) { obj.lang = keys; } else { extend(obj.lang, keys); } } function parseLatin(text){ var outtext = text; var lat1 = ['yo','zh','kh','ts','ch','sch','shch','sh','eh','yu','ya','YO','ZH','KH','TS','CH','SCH','SHCH','SH','EH','YU','YA',"'"]; var rus1 = ['¸', 'æ', 'õ', 'ö', '÷', 'ù', 'ù', 'ø', 'ý', 'þ', 'ÿ', '¨', 'Æ', 'Õ', 'Ö', '×', 'Ù', 'Ù', 'Ø', 'Ý', 'Þ', 'ß', 'ü']; for (var i = 0, l = lat1.length; i < l; i++) { outtext = outtext.split(lat1[i]).join(rus1[i]); } var lat2 = 'abvgdezijklmnoprstufhcyABVGDEZIJKLMNOPRSTUFHCY¸¨'; var rus2 = 'àáâãäåçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöûÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖÛåÅ'; for (var i = 0, l = lat2.length; i < l; i++) { outtext = outtext.split(lat2.charAt(i)).join(rus2.charAt(i)); } return (outtext == text) ? null : outtext; } function parseCyr(text) { var outtext = text, i, lat1 = ['yo','zh','kh','ts','ch','sch','shch','sh','eh','yu','ya','YO','ZH','KH','TS','CH','SCH','SHCH','SH','EH','YU','YA',"'"], rus1 = ['¸', 'æ', 'õ', 'ö', '÷', 'ù', 'ù', 'ø', 'ý', 'þ', 'ÿ', '¨', 'Æ', 'Õ', 'Ö', '×', 'Ù', 'Ù', 'Ø', 'Ý', 'Þ', 'ß', 'ü'], lat2 = 'abvgdezijklmnoprstufhcyABVGDEZIJKLMNOPRSTUFHCY¸¨', rus2 = 'àáâãäåçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöûÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖÛåÅ'; for (i = 0; i < rus1.length; i++) { outtext = outtext.split(rus1[i]).join(lat1[i]); } for (i = 0; i < rus2.length; i++) { outtext = outtext.split(rus2.charAt(i)).join(lat2.charAt(i)); } return (outtext == text) ? null : outtext; } function parseLatKeys(text) { var outtext = text, i; lat = "qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./`", rus = "éöóêåíãøùçõúôûâàïðîëäæýÿ÷ñìèòüáþ.¸"; for (i = 0; i < lat.length; i++) { outtext = outtext.split(lat.charAt(i)).join(rus.charAt(i)); } return (outtext == text) ? null : outtext; } /* Misc */ window._postsSeen = {}; window._postsSaved = {}; window._postsSaveTimer; window._postsSendTimer; window._postsCleanTimer; window.ls = { checkVersion: function() { return false; }, set: function(k, v) { return false; }, get: function(k) { return false; }, remove: function(k) { return false; } }; function aquireLock(name, fn, noretry) { var lockKey = 'lockkk_' + name; if (ls.get(lockKey) !== true) { ls.set(lockKey, true); try { fn(); } catch(e) {} ls.set(lockKey, false); return; } if (ls.checkVersion()) { if (!noretry) { setTimeout(aquireLock.pbind(name, fn, true), 100); } } else { fn(); } } function statlogsValueEvent(statName, value, key1, key2, key3) { if (typeof(statName) === 'undefined' || typeof(value) === 'undefined') { return; } var stats, cookieName = 'remixsts', keys = [].slice.apply(arguments, [2, 5]); aquireLock('stats_cookie_lock', function() { try { stats = JSON.parse(getCookie(cookieName)); stats = stats.data; } catch(e) { stats = []; } stats.push([ Math.round(Date.now()/1000), statName, value ].concat(keys)); while (stats.length > 100) { stats.shift(); } var uniqueId = Math.round(rand(0, 1000000000)); // unique id setCookie(cookieName, JSON.stringify({data: stats, uniqueId: uniqueId, source: 'lite'}), 0.01) }); } function onLoaded(fn) { if (vk.loaded) { fn(); } else { addEvent(window, 'load', fn); } } /* Ajax */ function serializeForm(form) { if (typeof(form) != 'object') { return false; } var result = {}; var g = function(n) { return geByTag(n, form); }; var nv = function(i, e){ if (!e.name) return; if (e.type == 'text' || !e.type) { result[e.name] = val(e); } else { result[e.name] = (browser.msie && !e.value && form[e.name]) ? 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c : [c, h, j]); if (ajax.framedata.length === 1) { ajax._framenext(); } }, framepost: function(url, query, done) { if (window.iframeTransport) { ajax._frameover(); } window.iframeTransport = utilsNode.appendChild(ce('div', {innerHTML: ''})).firstChild; ajax.framedata = [true]; ajax._framedone = done; iframeTransport.src = url + '?' + ((typeof(query) != 'string') ? ajx2q(query) : query); }, plainpost: function(url, query, done, fail) { var r = ajax._getreq(); var q = (typeof(query) != 'string') ? ajx2q(query) : query; r.onreadystatechange = function() { if (r.readyState == 4) { if (r.status >= 200 && r.status < 300) { if (done) done(r.responseText, r); } else if (r.status) { if (fail) fail(r.responseText, r); } } } try { r.open('POST', url, true); } catch(e) { topMsg('Ajax Error: ' + e.message); } r.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); r.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest'); r.send(q); return r; }, post: function(url, query, options) { if (url.substr(0, 1) != '/') url = '/' + url; var o = extend({_captcha: false, _box: false}, options || {}), q = extend({al: o.frame ? -1 : 1}, query); if (o.progress) { if (!o.showProgress) { o.showProgress = show.pbind(o.progress); } if (!o.hideProgress) { o.hideProgress = hide.pbind(o.progress); } } return ajax._post(url, q, o); }, preload: function(url, query, data) { if (url.substr(0, 1) != '/') url = '/' + url; ajaxCache[url + '#' + ajx2q(query)] = data; }, _debugLog: function(text) { window._updateDebug = function() { var dlw = ge('debuglogwrap'); if (dlw) { dlw.innerHTML = text; window._updateDebug = false; } } }, _parseRes: function(answer) { window._updateDebug = false; for (var i = 0; i < answer.length; ++i) { var ans = answer[i]; if (ans.substr(0, 2) == ''); var type = ans.substr(2, from - 2); ans = ans.substr(from + 1); switch (type) { case 'json' : answer[i] = eval('(' + ans + ')'); break; case 'int' : answer[i] = intval(ans); break; case 'float': answer[i] = floatval(ans); break; case 'bool' : answer[i] = intval(ans) ? true : false; break; case 'null' : answer[i] = null; break; case 'debug': ajax._debugLog(ans); answer.pop(); // must be last one break; } } } }, _post: function(url, q, o) { if (!q.captcha_sid && o.showProgress) o.showProgress(); var cacheKey = false; extend(q, __adsGetAjaxParams(q, o)); if (o.cache) { var boldq = clone(q); delete boldq.al; delete boldq.al_ad; delete boldq.ads_section; delete boldq.captcha_sid; delete boldq.captcha_key; cacheKey = url + '#' + ajx2q(boldq); } var hideBoxes = function() { for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) { var box = arguments[i]; if (box && box.isVisible()) { box.setOptions({onHide: false}); box.hide(); } } return false; } var fail = function(text) { if (o.hideProgress) o.hideProgress(); if (o._suggest) cleanElems(o._suggest); o._suggest = o._captcha = o._box = hideBoxes(o._box, o._captcha); if (isFunction(o.onFail)) { if (o.onFail(text)) { return; } } topError(text); } // Process response function var processResponse = function(code, answer) { if (o.customProcessResponse) { return o.customProcessResponse(code, answer); } if (o.cache && !o.forceGlobalCache) { if (!code) { ajaxCache[cacheKey] = answer; } if (o.cache === 2) { return; } } // Parse response if (o.hideProgress) o.hideProgress(); o._box = hideBoxes(o._box); if (o._captcha && code != 2) { if (o._suggest) cleanElems(o._suggest); o._suggest = o._captcha = hideBoxes(o._captcha); } switch (code) { case 1: // email not confirmed if (ge('confirm_mail')) { showFastBox({ width: 430, title: ge('confirm_mail_title').value, onHide: o.onFail }, '
' + ge('confirm_mail').innerHTML + '
'); } else { topMsg('Error! Email is not confirmed!'); } break; case 2: // captcha if (intval(answer[1]) === 2) { var resend = function(response) { var nq = extend(q, {recaptcha: response}); var no = o.cache ? extend(o, {cache: -1}) : o; ajax._post(url, nq, no); } o._captcha = showReCaptchaBox(answer[0], answer[2], o._captcha, { onSubmit: resend, addText: addText, onDestroy: function() { if (o.onFail) o.onFail(); } }); } else { var resend = function(sid, key) { var nq = extend(q, {captcha_sid: sid, captcha_key: key}); var no = o.cache ? extend(o, {cache: -1}) : o; ajax._post(url, nq, no); } var addText = ''; if (vk.nophone == 1 && !vk.nomail) { addText = getLang('global_try_to_activate').replace('{link}', '').replace('{/link}', ''); addText = '
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').replace('{/link}', '')); o.onFail.apply(); break; default: if (code == -1 || code == -2) { var adsShowed = answer.pop(); var adsCanShow = answer.pop(); var adsHtml = answer.pop(); __adsSet(adsHtml, null, adsCanShow, adsShowed); } if (o.onDone) { // page, box or other o.onDone.apply(window, answer); } break; } if (window._updateDebug) _updateDebug(); } var done = function(text, data) { // data - for iframe transport post if (!trim(text).length) { data = [8, getLang('global_unknown_error')]; text = stVersions['nav'] + '' + vk.lang + '' + stVersions['lang'] + '8' + data[1]; } var answer = text.split(''); var navVersion = intval(answer.shift()); if (!navVersion) { return fail(text); } // First strict check for index.php reloading, in vk.al == 1 mode. if (vk.version && vk.version != navVersion) { if (navVersion && answer.length > 4) { nav.reload({force: true}); } else { if (nav.strLoc) { location.replace(locBase); } else { topError('Server error.'); } } return; } vk.version = false; // Common response fields var newStatic = answer.shift(); var langId = intval(answer.shift()); var langVer = intval(answer.shift()); if (o.frame) answer = data; var code = intval(answer.shift()); if (vk.lang != langId && o.canReload) { // Lang changed nav.reload({force: true}); return; } // Wait for attached static files var waitResponseStatic = function() { //var st = ['lite.css']; var st = []; if (newStatic) { newStatic = newStatic.split(','); for (var i = 0; i < newStatic.length; ++i) { st.push(newStatic[i]); } } if (stVersions['lang'] < langVer) { stVersions['lang'] = langVer; for (var i in StaticFiles) { if (/^lang\d/i.test(i)) { st.push(i); } } } if (!o.frame) { try { ajax._parseRes(answer); } catch(e) { topError('JSON Error: ' + e.message); } } stManager.add(st, processResponse.pbind(code, answer)); } // Static managing function if (navVersion <= stVersions['nav']) { return waitResponseStatic(); } headNode.appendChild(ce('script', { type: 'text/javascript', src: '/js/loader_nav' + navVersion + '_' + vk.lang + '.js' })); setTimeout(function() { if (navVersion <= stVersions['nav']) { return waitResponseStatic(); } setTimeout(arguments.callee, 100); }, 0); } if (o.cache > 0 || o.forceGlobalCache) { var answer = ajaxCache[cacheKey]; if (answer && !o.forceGlobalCache) { processResponse(0, answer); return; } else if (answer = globalAjaxCache[cacheKey]) { if (answer == -1) { globalAjaxCache[cacheKey] = o.onDone; } else { o.onDone.apply(window, answer); } return; } } return o.frame ? ajax.framepost(url, q, done) : ajax.plainpost(url, q, done, fail); } } /* Nav */ function HistoryAndBookmarks(params) { // strict check for cool hash display in ff. var fixEncode = function(loc) { var h = loc.split('#'); var l = h[0].split('?'); return l[0] + (l[1] ? ('?' + ajx2q(q2ajx(l[1]))) : '') + (h[1] ? ('#' + h[1]) : ''); } var frame = null, withFrame = browser.msie6 || browser.msie7; var frameDoc = function() { return frame.contentDocument || (frame.contentWindow ? frame.contentWindow.document : frame.document); } var options = extend({onLocChange: function() {}}, params); var getLoc = function(skipFrame) { var loc = ''; if (vk.al == 3) { loc = (location.pathname || '') + (location.search || '') + (location.hash || ''); } else { if (withFrame && !skipFrame) { try { loc = frameDoc().getElementById('loc').innerHTML.replace(/</ig, '<').replace(/>/ig, '>').replace(/"/ig, '"').replace(/&/ig, '&'); } catch(e) { loc = curLoc; } } else { loc = browser.msie6 ? ((location.toString().match(/#(.*)/) || {})[1] || '') : location.hash.replace(/^#/, ''); if (loc.substr(0, 1) != vk.navPrefix) { loc = (location.pathname || '') + (location.search || '') + (location.hash || ''); } } } if (!loc && vk.al > 1) { loc = (location.pathname || '') + (location.search || ''); } return fixEncode(loc.replace(/^(\/|!)/, '')); } var curLoc = getLoc(true); var setFrameContent = function(loc) { try { var d = frameDoc(); d.open(); d.write('
' + loc.replace('&', '&').replace('"', '"').replace('>', '>').replace('<', '<') + '
' ); d.close(); } catch(e) {} } var setLoc = function(loc) { //curLoc = fixEncode(loc.replace(/#(\/|!)?/, '')); curLoc = fixEncode(loc); var l = (location.toString().match(/#(.*)/) || {})[1] || ''; if (!l && vk.al > 1) { l = (location.pathname || '') + (location.search || ''); } l = fixEncode(l); if (l.replace(/^(\/|!)/, '') != curLoc) { if (vk.al == 3) { try { history.pushState({}, '', '/' + curLoc); return; } catch(e) {} } window.chHashFlag = true; location.hash = '#' + vk.navPrefix + curLoc; if (withFrame && getLoc() != curLoc) { setFrameContent(curLoc); } } } var locChecker = function() { var loc = getLoc(true); if (loc != curLoc) { setFrameContent(loc); } } var checker = function(force) { var l = getLoc(); if (l == curLoc && force !== true) { return; } options.onLocChange(l); curLoc = l; if (withFrame && location.hash.replace('#' + vk.navPrefix, '') != l) { location.hash = '#' + vk.navPrefix + l; } } var checkTimer; var frameChecker = function() { try { if (frame.contentWindow.document.readyState != 'complete') { return; } } catch(e) { return; } checker(); } var init = function() { if (vk.al == 1) { checker(true); } if (vk.al < 3) { if (withFrame) { frame = document.createElement('iframe'); frame.id = 'hab_frame'; frame.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', frameChecker); frame.src = 'al_loader.php?act=hab_frame&loc=' + encodeURIComponent(curLoc) + '&domain=' + encodeURIComponent(locDomain); utilsNode.appendChild(frame); checkTimer = setInterval(locChecker, 200); } else { if ('onhashchange' in window) { addEvent(window, 'hashchange', function() { if (window.chHashFlag) { window.chHashFlag = false; } else { checker(); } }); } else { checkTimer = setInterval(checker, 200); } } } else if (vk.al == 3) { addEvent(window, 'popstate', checker); } } return { setLoc: setLoc, getLoc: getLoc, init: init, setOptions: function(params) { options = extend(options, params); }, checker: checker, stop: function() { if (vk.al < 3) { clearInterval(checkTimer); if (withFrame) { frame.detachEvent('onreadystatechange', frameChecker); } } else if (vk.al == 3) { removeEvent(window, 'popstate', checker); } } } } window.hab = new HistoryAndBookmarks({onLocChange: function(loc) { nav.go('/' + loc, undefined, {back: true}); }}); window.nav = { getData: function(loc) { if (loc.length) { for (var i in navMap) { if (i[0] == '<') continue; var m = loc.match(new RegExp('^' + i, 'i')); if (m) { return {url: navMap[i][0], files: navMap[i][1]}; } } var m = loc.match(/^[a-z0-9\-_]+\.php$/i); if (m) { return {url: loc}; } return {url: navMap[''][0], files: navMap[''][1]}; } return {url: navMap[''][0], files: navMap[''][1]}; }, reload: function(opts) { opts = opts || {}; if (opts.force) { hab.stop(); location.href = '/' + nav.strLoc; } else { nav.go('/' + nav.strLoc, undefined, extend({nocur: true}, opts)); } }, go: function(loc, ev, opts) { if (checkEvent(ev) || cur.noAjaxNav) return; opts = opts || {}; if (loc.tagName && loc.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'a') { if (loc.target == '_blank' || nav.baseBlank) { return; } var _params = loc.getAttribute('hrefparams'); if (_params) { opts.params = extend(opts.params || {}, q2ajx(_params)); } loc = loc.href || ''; if (ev && !(loc || '').match(new RegExp('^' + locProtocol + '//' + locHost, 'i'))) { return; } } var strLoc = '', objLoc = {}, changed = {}; if (typeof(loc) == 'string') { loc = loc.replace(new RegExp('^(' + locProtocol + '//' + locHost + ')?/?', 'i'), ''); strLoc = loc; objLoc = nav.fromStr(loc); } else { if (!loc[0]) loc[0] = ''; strLoc = nav.toStr(loc); objLoc = loc; } if (!opts.nocur) { changed = clone(objLoc); for (var i in nav.objLoc) { if (nav.objLoc[i] == changed[i]) { delete(changed[i]); } else if (changed[i] === undefined) { changed[i] = false; } } } if (!opts.nocur && (vk.loaded || !changed['0'])) { var curnav = cur.nav || []; for (var i = curnav.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var oldUrl = document.URL; if (curnav[i](clone(changed), nav.objLoc, objLoc, opts) === false) { var currentURL = locProtocol+'//'+location.host+'/'+strLoc, referrer = (oldUrl == currentURL) ? '' : oldUrl; return false; } } } // other code is not needed for widgets }, setLoc: function(loc) { if (typeof(loc) == 'string') { nav.strLoc = loc; nav.objLoc = nav.fromStr(loc); } else { nav.strLoc = nav.toStr(loc); nav.objLoc = loc; } hab.setLoc(nav.strLoc); }, change: function(loc, ev, opts) { var params = clone(nav.objLoc); each(loc, function(i,v) { if (v === false) { delete params[i]; } else { params[i] = v; } }); return nav.go(params, ev, opts); }, fromStr: function(str) { str = str.split('#'); var res = str[0].split('?'); var param = {'0': res[0] || ''} if (str[1]) { param['#'] = str[1]; } return extend(q2ajx(res[1] || ''), param); }, toStr: function(obj) { obj = clone(obj); var hash = obj['#'] || ''; var res = obj[0] || ''; delete(obj[0]); delete(obj['#']); var str = ajx2q(obj); return (str ? (res + '?' + str) : res) + (hash ? ('#' + hash) : ''); }, init: function() { nav.strLoc = hab.getLoc(); nav.objLoc = nav.fromStr(nav.strLoc); } } nav.init(); function goAway(lnk, prms, e) { return true; } function processDestroy(c) { if (c._back && c._back.hide && c == cur) { for (var i in c._back.hide) { try {c._back.hide[i]();}catch(e){} } } if (!c.destroy || !c.destroy.length) return; for (var i in c.destroy) { try {c.destroy[i](c);}catch(e){} } } window.onLogout = window.onLoginDone = nav.reload; /* Events */ window.KEY = { LEFT: 37, UP: 38, RIGHT: 39, DOWN: 40, DEL: 8, TAB: 9, RETURN: 13, ENTER: 13, ESC: 27, PAGEUP: 33, PAGEDOWN: 34, SPACE: 32, CTRL: 17, ALT: 18 }; function addEvent(elem, types, handler, custom, context) { elem = ge(elem); if (!elem || elem.nodeType == 3 || elem.nodeType == 8) return; var realHandler = context ? function (e) { var prevData = e.data; e.data = context; var ret = handler.apply(this, [e]); e.data = prevData; return ret; } : handler; // For IE if (elem.setInterval && elem != window) elem = window; var events = data(elem, 'events') || data(elem, 'events', []), handle = data(elem, 'handle') || data(elem, 'handle', function() { _eventHandle.apply(arguments.callee.elem, arguments); }); // to prevent a memory leak handle.elem = elem; each(types.split(/\s+/), function(index, type) { if (!events[type]) { events[type] = []; if (!custom && elem.addEventListener) { elem.addEventListener(type, handle, false); } else if (!custom && elem.attachEvent) { elem.attachEvent('on' + type, handle); } } events[type].push(realHandler); }); elem = null; } function removeEvent(elem, types, handler) { elem = ge(elem); if (!elem) return; var events = data(elem, 'events'); if (!events) return; if (typeof(types) != 'string') { for (var i in events) { removeEvent(elem, i); } return; } each(types.split(/\s+/), function(index, type) { if (!isArray(events[type])) return; if (isFunction(handler)) { for (var i = 0; i < events[type].length; i++) { if (events[type][i] == handler) { for (var j = i + 1; j < events[type].length; j++) { events[type][j - 1] = events[type][j]; } events[type].pop(); break; } } } else { for (var i = 0; i < events[type].length; i++) { delete events[type][i]; } } if (!events[type].length) { if (elem.removeEventListener) { elem.removeEventListener(type, data(elem, 'handle'), false); } else if (elem.detachEvent) { elem.detachEvent('on' + type, data(elem, 'handle')); } delete events[type]; } }); } function triggerEvent(elem, type, ev) { var handle = data(elem, 'handle'); if (handle) { setTimeout(function() { handle.call(elem, extend((ev || {}), {type: type, target: elem})) }, 0); } } function cancelEvent(event) { event = (event || window.event); if (!event) return false; event = (event.originalEvent || event); if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); event.cancelBubble = true; event.returnValue = false; return false; } function stopEvent(event) { event = (event || window.event); if (!event) return false; while (event.originalEvent) { event = event.originalEvent; } if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); event.cancelBubble = true; return false; } function _eventHandle(event) { event = event || window.event; var originalEvent = event; event = clone(originalEvent); event.originalEvent = originalEvent; if (!event.target) { event.target = event.srcElement || document; } // check if target is a textnode (safari) if (event.target.nodeType == 3) { event.target = event.target.parentNode; } if (!event.relatedTarget && event.fromElement) { event.relatedTarget = event.fromElement == event.target; } if (event.pageX == null && event.clientX != null) { var doc = document.documentElement, body = bodyNode || document.body; event.pageX = event.clientX + (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) - (doc.clientLeft || 0); event.pageY = event.clientY + (doc && doc.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0) - (doc.clientTop || 0); } if (!event.which && ((event.charCode || event.charCode === 0) ? event.charCode : event.keyCode)) { event.which = event.charCode || event.keyCode; } if (!event.metaKey && event.ctrlKey) { event.metaKey = event.ctrlKey; } // click: 1 == left; 2 == middle; 3 == right if (!event.which && event.button) { event.which = (event.button & 1 ? 1 : ( event.button & 2 ? 3 : ( event.button & 4 ? 2 : 0 ) )); } var handlers = data(this, 'events'); if (!handlers || typeof(event.type) != 'string' || !handlers[event.type] || !handlers[event.type].length) { return; } for (var i in (handlers[event.type] || [])) { if (event.type == 'mouseover' || event.type == 'mouseout') { var parent = event.relatedElement; while (parent && parent != this) { try { parent = parent.parentNode; } catch(e) { parent = this; } } if (parent == this) { continue } } var ret = handlers[event.type][i].apply(this, arguments); if (ret === false) { cancelEvent(event); } } } function normEvent(event) { event = event || window.event; var originalEvent = event; event = clone(originalEvent); event.originalEvent = originalEvent; if (!event.target) { event.target = event.srcElement || document; } // check if target is a textnode (safari) if (event.target.nodeType == 3) { event.target = event.target.parentNode; } if (!event.relatedTarget && event.fromElement) { event.relatedTarget = event.fromElement == event.target; } if (event.pageX == null && event.clientX != null) { var doc = document.documentElement, body = bodyNode; event.pageX = event.clientX + (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) - (doc.clientLeft || 0); event.pageY = event.clientY + (doc && doc.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0) - (doc.clientTop || 0); } if (!event.which && ((event.charCode || event.charCode === 0) ? event.charCode : event.keyCode)) { event.which = event.charCode || event.keyCode; } if (!event.metaKey && event.ctrlKey) { event.metaKey = event.ctrlKey; } else if (!event.ctrlKey && event.metaKey && browser.mac) { event.ctrlKey = event.metaKey; } // click: 1 == left; 2 == middle; 3 == right if (!event.which && event.button) { event.which = (event.button & 1 ? 1 : ( event.button & 2 ? 3 : ( event.button & 4 ? 2 : 0 ) )); } return event; } addEvent(window, 'unload', function() { // Prevent memory leaks in IE for (var id in vkCache) { if (vkCache[id].handle && vkCache[id].handle.elem != window) { removeEvent(vkCache[id].handle.elem); } } }); function onCtrlEnter(ev, handler) { ev = ev || window.event; if (ev.keyCode == 10 || ev.ctrlKey && ev.keyCode == 13) { handler(); } } var layoutWidth = 791; function domStarted() { window.headNode = geByTag1('head'); var bl = ge('box_layer_bg'), blw = bl.nextSibling; extend(window, { icoNode: geByTag1('link', headNode), bodyNode: geByTag1('body'), htmlNode: geByTag1('html'), utilsNode: ge('utils'), layerBG: null, boxLayerBG: bl, boxLayerWrap: blw, boxLayer: blw.firstChild, boxLoader: blw.firstChild.firstChild, __afterFocus: false, __needBlur: false }); if (!utilsNode) return; for (var i in StaticFiles) { var f = StaticFiles[i]; f.l = 1; if (f.t == 'css') { utilsNode.appendChild(ce('div', {id: f.n})); } } addEvent(boxLayerWrap, 'click', __bq.hideLastCheck); extend(layers, { boxshow: layers._show.pbind(bl, blw), boxhide: layers._hide.pbind(bl, blw) }); hab.init(); } function domReady() { if (!utilsNode) return; extend(window, { pageNode: document.body }); window.scrollNode = browser.msie6 ? pageNode : ((browser.chrome || browser.safari) ? bodyNode : htmlNode); onBodyResize(); var scrolledNode = browser.msie6 ? pageNode : window; } function onDomReady(f) { f(); } function checkEvent(e) { return ((e = (e || window.event)) && (e.type == 'click' || e.type == 'mousedown' || e.type == 'mouseup') && (e.which > 1 || e.button > 1 || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey || browser.mac && e.metaKey)) || false; } function checkKeyboardEvent(e) { e = normEvent(e); if (!e || !e.target) return false; if (!e.screenX) return true; var size = getSize(e.target), xy = getXY(e.target); var offsetX = e.pageX - xy[0]; var offsetY = e.pageY - xy[1]; if (offsetX < 0 || offsetX > size[0] || offsetY < 0 || offsetY > size[1]) return true; return (Math.abs(e.pageX - xy[0] - size[0] / 2) < 1 && Math.abs(e.pageY - xy[1] - size[1] / 2) < 1); } function setWorkerTimeout(cb, delay) { if (window.Worker && window.Blob) { var scriptBlob = new Blob([" \ var timeout; \ onmessage = function(e) { \ clearTimeout(timeout); \ if (e.data == 'start') { \ timeout = setTimeout(function() { postMessage({}); }, " + delay + "); \ } \ } \ "]); try { var worker = new Worker(window.URL.createObjectURL(scriptBlob)); worker.onmessage = function() { worker.terminate(); cb(); } worker.postMessage('start'); } catch (e) { worker = false; } return worker; } else { return setTimeout(cb, delay) } } function clearWorkerTimeout(worker) { if (isNumeric(worker)) { clearTimeout(worker); } else { worker.terminate(); } } /* Templates */ function addTemplates(tpls) { window.templates = window.templates || {}; extend(window.templates, tpls); } function getTemplate(tplName, state) { var tpls = window.templates = window.templates || {}, tpl = tpls[tplName]; if (tpl && state) { return rs(tpl, state); } return tpl; } /* Cookie */ window._cookies; function _initCookies() { _cookies = {}; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); var re = /^[\s]*([^\s]+?)$/i; for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { var c = ca[i].split('='); if (c.length == 2) { _cookies[c[0].match(re)[1]] = unescape(c[1].match(re) ? c[1].match(re)[1] : ''); } } } function getCookie(name) { _initCookies(); return _cookies[name]; } function setCookie(name, value, days) { var expires = ''; if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); expires = '; expires='+date.toGMTString(); } var domain = locDomain; document.cookie = name + '='+escape(value) + expires + '; path=/' + (domain ? '; domain=.' + domain : ''); } /* DOM */ function domClosestOverflowHidden(el) { var parent = domPN(el); while (parent && parent != bodyNode) { var overflow = getStyle(parent, 'overflow'); if (overflow == 'hidden') { break; } parent = domPN(parent); } return parent; } function nodeUpdated(elem, delay) { setStyle(elem, {backgroundColor: '#F5F7FA'}); animate(elem, {backgroundColor: '#FFF'}, delay || 6000, function(el) { setStyle(el, {backgroundColor: null}); }); } function getColor(elem, attr) { var color; do { color = getStyle(elem, attr); if (!color.indexOf('rgba')) color = ''; if (color != '' && color != 'transparent' || elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'body') { break; } attr = 'backgroundColor'; } while (elem = elem.parentNode); return getRGB(color); } function scrollToTop(speed) { if (speed == undefined) speed = 400; if (speed) { if (browser.msie6) { animate(pageNode, {scrollTop: 0}, speed); } else { animate(htmlNode, {scrollTop: 0}, speed); animate(bodyNode, {scrollTop: 0}, speed); } } else { window.scroll(0, 0); if (browser.msie6) { pageNode.scrollTop = 0; } } } function scrollGetY() { return window.pageYOffset || scrollNode.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop; } function ge(el) { return (typeof el == 'string' || typeof el == 'number') ? document.getElementById(el) : el; } function geByTag(searchTag, node) { node = ge(node) || document; return node.getElementsByTagName(searchTag); } function geByTag1(searchTag, node) { node = ge(node) || document; return node.querySelector && node.querySelector(searchTag) || geByTag(searchTag, node)[0]; } function geByClass(searchClass, node, tag) { node = ge(node) || document; tag = tag || '*'; var classElements = []; if (!browser.msie8 && node.querySelectorAll && tag != '*') { return node.querySelectorAll(tag + '.' + searchClass); } if (node.getElementsByClassName) { var nodes = node.getElementsByClassName(searchClass); if (tag != '*') { tag = tag.toUpperCase(); for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; ++i) { if (nodes[i].tagName.toUpperCase() == tag) { classElements.push(nodes[i]); } } } else { classElements = Array.prototype.slice.call(nodes); } return classElements; } var els = geByTag(tag, node); var pattern = new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + searchClass + '(\\s|$)'); for (var i = 0, l = els.length; i < l; ++i) { if (pattern.test(els[i].className)) { classElements.push(els[i]); } } return classElements; } function geByClass1(searchClass, node, tag) { node = ge(node) || document; tag = tag || '*'; return !browser.msie8 && node.querySelector && node.querySelector(tag + '.' + searchClass) || geByClass(searchClass, node, tag)[0]; } function gpeByClass(className, elem, stopElement) { elem = ge(elem); if (!elem) return null; while (stopElement !== elem && (elem = elem.parentNode)) { if (hasClass(elem, className)) return elem; } return null; } function domClosest(className, elem) { if (hasClass(elem, className)) return elem; return gpeByClass(className, elem); } function ce(tagName, attr, style) { var el = document.createElement(tagName); if (attr) extend(el, attr); if (style) setStyle(el, style); return el; } window.cf = (function(doc) { var frag = doc.createDocumentFragment(), elem = doc.createElement('div'), range = doc.createRange && doc.createRange(); frag.appendChild(elem); range && range.selectNodeContents(elem); return range && range.createContextualFragment ? function (html) { if (!html) return doc.createDocumentFragment(); return range.createContextualFragment(html); } : function (html) { if (!html) return doc.createDocumentFragment(); elem.innerHTML = html; var frag = doc.createDocumentFragment(); while (elem.firstChild) { frag.appendChild(elem.firstChild); } return frag; }; })(document); function re(el) { el = ge(el); if (el && el.parentNode) el.parentNode.removeChild(el); return el; } function se(html) { return domFC(ce('div', {innerHTML: html})); } function sech(html) { return domChildren(ce('div', {innerHTML: html})); } function rs(html, repl) { each (repl, function(k, v) { html = html.replace(new RegExp('%' + k + '%', 'g'), v); }); return html; } function psr(html) { if (locProtocol != 'https:') return html; html = html.replace(/http:\/\/(cs(\d+)\.vk\.me\/c(\d+)\/)/gi, 'https://$1'); html = html.replace(/http:\/\/cs(\d+)\.(userapi\.com|vk\.com|vk\.me|vkontakte\.ru)\/c(\d+)\/(v\d+\/|[a-z0-9\/_:\-]+\.jpg)/gi, 'https://pp.vk.me/c$3/$4'); html = html.replace(/http:\/\/cs(\d+)\.(userapi\.com|vk\.com|vk\.me|vkontakte\.ru)\/([a-z0-9\/_:\-]+\.jpg)/gi, 'https://pp.vk.me/c$1/$3'); html = html.replace(/http:\/\/cs(\d+)\.(userapi\.com|vk\.com|vk\.me|vkontakte\.ru)\//gi, 'https://ps.vk.me/c$1/'); html = html.replace(/http:\/\/video(\d+)\.vkadre\.ru\//gi, 'https://ps.vk.me/v$1/'); return html; } function domEL(el, p) { p = p ? 'previousSibling' : 'nextSibling'; while (el && !el.tagName) el = el[p]; return el; } function domNS(el) { return domEL((el || {}).nextSibling); } function domPS(el) { return domEL((el || {}).previousSibling, 1); } function domFC(el) { return domEL((el || {}).firstChild); } function domLC(el) { return domEL((el || {}).lastChild, 1); } function domPN(el) { return (el || {}).parentNode; } function domChildren(el) { var chidlren = []; var nodes = el.childNodes; for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (nodes[i].tagName) { chidlren.push(nodes[i]); } } return chidlren; } function domInsertBefore(el, before) { var parent = domPN(before); return parent && parent.insertBefore(el, before); } function domInsertAfter(el, after) { var parent = domPN(after); return parent && parent.insertBefore(el, domNS(after)); } function domByClass(el, searchClass) { if (!el) return el; return geByClass1(searchClass, el); } function domData(el, name, value) { if (!el) { return null; } if (typeof value != 'undefined') { if (value === null) { el.removeAttribute('data-' + name); } else { el.setAttribute('data-' + name, value); } return value; } else { return el.getAttribute('data-' + name); } } function matchesSelector(el, selector) { el = ge(el); if (!el || el == document) return false; var matches = el.matches || el.webkitMatchesSelector || el.mozMatchesSelector || el.msMatchesSelector || function(selector) { var nodes = (this.parentNode || this.document || this.ownerDocument).querySelectorAll(selector); for (var i = nodes.length; --i >= 0 && nodes[i] !== this; ) ; return i > -1; }; return matches.call(el, selector); } function isHover(el) { return matchesSelector(el, ':hover'); } function isAncestor(el, ancestor) { var current = ge(el); ancestor = ge(ancestor); if (!el || !ancestor) { return false; } while (current = current.parentNode) { if (current == ancestor) { return true; } } return false; } function domClosestPositioned(el) { var parent = domPN(el); while (parent && parent != bodyNode) { var elPos = getStyle(parent, 'position'), overflow = getStyle(parent, 'overflow'); if (inArray(elPos, ['relative', 'absolute', 'fixed']) && overflow != 'hidden') { break; } parent = domPN(parent); } return parent; } function show(elem) { var l = arguments.length; if (l > 1) { for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { show(arguments[i]); } return; } elem = ge(elem); if (!elem || !elem.style) return; var old = elem.olddisplay; var newStyle = 'block'; var tag = elem.tagName.toLowerCase(); elem.style.display = old || ''; if (getStyle(elem, 'display') !== 'none') { return; } if (hasClass(elem, 'inline') || hasClass(elem, '_inline')) { newStyle = 'inline'; } else if (hasClass(elem, '_inline_block')) { newStyle = 'inline-block'; } else if (tag === 'tr' && !browser.msie) { newStyle = 'table-row'; } else if (tag === 'table' && !browser.msie) { newStyle = 'table'; } else { newStyle = 'block'; } elem.style.display = elem.olddisplay = newStyle; } function hide(elem) { var l = arguments.length; if (l > 1) { for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { hide(arguments[i]); } return; } elem = ge(elem); if (!elem || !elem.style) return; var display = getStyle(elem, 'display'); elem.olddisplay = ((display != 'none') ? display : ''); elem.style.display = 'none'; } function isVisible(elem) { elem = ge(elem); if (!elem || !elem.style) return false; return getStyle(elem, 'display') != 'none'; } function clientHeight() { return window.innerHeight || docEl.clientHeight || bodyNode.clientHeight; } function getClientRectOffsetY(elem, part, offset) { elem = ge(elem); offset = offset || 0; var ey = getXY(elem)[1], eh = getSize(elem)[1], w = window, de = document.documentElement, ch = Math.max(intval(w.innerHeight), intval(de.clientHeight)), fixed_head = ge('page_header_cont'), hh = getSize(fixed_head)[1], st = (de.scrollTop || bodyNode.scrollTop || window.scrollY || 0); if (!part) { if (ey < st + hh + offset) return (ey - st + hh - offset); if (ey + eh > st + ch - offset) return (ey + eh - st - ch + offset); } else { if (ey + eh < st + hh + offset) return (ey + eh - st - hh - offset); if (ey > st + ch - offset) return (ey - st - ch + offset); } return 0; } function toggle(elem, v) { if (v === undefined) { v = !isVisible(elem); } if (v) { show(elem); } else { hide(elem); } } window.hfTimeout = 0; function toggleFlash(show, timeout) { //if (/mac/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) return; clearTimeout(hfTimeout); if (timeout > 0) { hfTimeout = setTimeout(function() {toggleFlash(show, 0)}, timeout); return; } var vis = show ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; triggerEvent(document, show ? 'unblock' : 'block'); var f = function() { if (this.getAttribute('preventhide')) { return; } else if (this.id == 'flash_app' && browser.msie) { show ? setStyle(this, {position: 'static', top: 0}) : setStyle(this, {position: 'absolute', top: '-5000px'}); } else { this.style.visibility = vis; } }; each(geByTag('embed'), f); each(geByTag('object'), f); } function boundingRectEnabled(obj) { return (typeof obj.getBoundingClientRect !== 'undefined'); } function getXYRect(obj, notBounding) { var rect; if (notBounding && getStyle(obj, 'display') == 'inline') { var rects = obj.getClientRects(); rect = rects && rects[0] || obj.getBoundingClientRect(); } else { rect = obj.getBoundingClientRect(); } return rect; } function getXY(obj, forFixed) { obj = ge(obj); if (!obj) return [0,0]; var docElem, win, rect = {top: 0, left: 0}, doc = obj.ownerDocument; if (!doc) { return [0, 0]; } docElem = doc.documentElement; if (boundingRectEnabled(obj)) { rect = getXYRect(obj, true); } win = doc == doc.window ? doc : (doc.nodeType === 9 ? doc.defaultView || doc.parentWindow : false); return [ rect.left + (!forFixed ? win.pageXOffset || docElem.scrollLeft : 0) - (docElem.clientLeft || 0), rect.top + (!forFixed ? win.pageYOffset || docElem.scrollTop : 0) - (docElem.clientTop || 0) ]; } function isWindow(el) { return el != null && el === el.window; } var DISPLAY_SWAP_RGX = /^(none|table(?!-c[ea]).+)/; function getSize(elem, withoutBounds, notBounding) { elem = ge(elem); var s = [0, 0], de = document.documentElement, rect; if (withoutBounds && getStyle(elem, 'boxSizing') === 'border-box') { withoutBounds = false; } if (elem == document) { s = [Math.max( de.clientWidth, bodyNode.scrollWidth, de.scrollWidth, bodyNode.offsetWidth, de.offsetWidth ), Math.max( de.clientHeight, bodyNode.scrollHeight, de.scrollHeight, bodyNode.offsetHeight, de.offsetHeight )]; } else if (elem){ function getWH() { if (boundingRectEnabled(elem) && (rect = getXYRect(elem, notBounding)) && rect.width !== undefined) { s = [rect.width, rect.height]; } else { s = [elem.offsetWidth, elem.offsetHeight]; } if (!withoutBounds) return; var padding = 0, border = 0; each(s, function(i, v) { var which = i ? ['Top', 'Bottom'] : ['Left', 'Right']; each(which, function(){ s[i] -= parseFloat(getStyle(elem, 'padding' + this)) || 0; s[i] -= parseFloat(getStyle(elem, 'border' + this + 'Width')) || 0; }); }); } if (!isVisible(elem)) { var props = {position: 'absolute', visibility: 'hidden', display: 'block'}; var old = {}, old_cssText = false; if (elem.style.cssText.indexOf('!important') > -1) { old_cssText = elem.style.cssText; } each(props, function(i, v) { old[i] = elem.style[i]; elem.style[i] = v; }); getWH(); each(props, function(i, v) { elem.style[i] = old[i]; }); if (old_cssText) { elem.style.cssText = old_cssText; } } else getWH(); } return s; } // deprecated function _getSize(elem, withoutBounds, notBounding) { elem = ge(elem); var s = [0, 0], de = document.documentElement, rect; if (withoutBounds && getStyle(elem, 'boxSizing') === 'border-box') { withoutBounds = false; } if (elem == document) { s = [Math.max( de.clientWidth, bodyNode.scrollWidth, de.scrollWidth, bodyNode.offsetWidth, de.offsetWidth ), Math.max( de.clientHeight, bodyNode.scrollHeight, de.scrollHeight, bodyNode.offsetHeight, de.offsetHeight )]; } else if (elem){ function getWH() { if (boundingRectEnabled(elem) && (rect = getXYRect(elem, notBounding)) && rect.width !== undefined) { s = [rect.width, rect.height]; } else { s = [elem.offsetWidth, elem.offsetHeight]; } if (!withoutBounds) return; var padding = 0, border = 0; each(s, function(i, v) { var which = i ? ['Top', 'Bottom'] : ['Left', 'Right']; each(which, function(){ s[i] -= parseFloat(getStyle(elem, 'padding' + this)) || 0; s[i] -= parseFloat(getStyle(elem, 'border' + this + 'Width')) || 0; }); }); } if (!isVisible(elem)) { var props = {position: 'absolute', visibility: 'hidden', display: 'block'}; var old = {}, old_cssText = false; if (elem.style.cssText.indexOf('!important') > -1) { old_cssText = elem.style.cssText; } each(props, function(i, v) { old[i] = elem.style[i]; elem.style[i] = v; }); getWH(); each(props, function(i, v) { elem.style[i] = old[i]; }); if (old_cssText) { elem.style.cssText = old_cssText; } } else getWH(); } return s; } function getZoom() { var r1 = ge('zoom_test_1') || document.body.appendChild(ce('div', {id: 'zoom_test_1'}, {left: '10%', position: 'absolute', visibility: 'hidden'})), r2 = ge('zoom_test_2') || document.body.appendChild(ce('div', {id: 'zoom_test_2'}, {left: r1.offsetLeft + 'px', position: 'absolute', visibility: 'hidden'})); return r2.offsetLeft / r1.offsetLeft; } function imagesLoader(cont, options) { var default_options = { top_load: 0, bottom_load: 2, load_limit: 10, need_load_class: '__need_load', skip_process_load: false, use_iframe: false }, loading_times = [], loading_cnt = 0, loading_to = null, opts = extend(default_options, options) obj = {}; function giftLoaded(src, no_force) { if (loading_times[src]) { --loading_cnt; delete loading_times[src]; } if (!no_force) { obj.processLoad(); } } function getImgY(img) { var top = 0, obj = img; if (obj && obj.offsetParent) { do { top += obj.offsetTop; if (cont && obj.offsetParent === cont) break; } while (obj = obj.offsetParent); } return top; } obj.processLoad = function() { for (var src in loading_times) { var arr = loading_times[src], loading_time = arr[0], img = arr[1]; if (img.width || img.height || vkNow() - loading_time > 20000) { if (loading_times[src]) { giftLoaded.call(img, src, true); } } } clearTimeout(loading_to); if (loading_cnt) { loading_to = setTimeout(obj.processLoad, 500); } if (loading_cnt >= opts.load_limit) return; var images = geByClass(opts.need_load_class, cont || bodyNode), changed_images = []; if (cont) { var cont_h = cont.offsetHeight, cont_top = cont.scrollTop - cont_h * opts.top_load, cont_bottom = cont.scrollTop + cont_h * opts.bottom_load; } for (var i = 0, l = images.length; i < l && loading_cnt < opts.load_limit; i++) { var img = images[i]; if (img.tagName != 'IMG') continue; var src = img.getAttribute('data-src'); if (src) { if (cont) { var imgY = getImgY(img); var imgB = imgY + img.parentNode.offsetHeight; if (imgY > cont_bottom) continue; if (imgB < cont_top) continue; } changed_images.push([img, src]); } } each(changed_images, function() { var img = this[0], src = this[1]; obj.iloader && obj.iloader.add(src, giftLoaded, img); img.src = src; img.removeAttribute('data-src'); removeClass(img, opts.need_load_class); if (!loading_times[src]) { ++loading_cnt; loading_times[src] = [vkNow(), img]; } }); clearTimeout(loading_to); if (loading_cnt) { loading_to = setTimeout(obj.processLoad, 500); } } obj.destroy = function() { loading_times = []; loading_cnt = 0; clearTimeout(loading_to); } if (opts.use_iframe && window.IframeLoader) { obj.iloader = new IframeLoader(); } if (!opts.skip_process_load) { obj.processLoad(); } return obj; } function IframeLoader() { var iframe, doc, body, index, sources, aborted_sources; function iframeDoc(i) { try { if (i.contentDocument) return i.contentDocument; if (i.contentWindow && i.contentWindow.document) return i.contentWindow.document; return i.document; } catch (e) {}; return false; } function getImgHtml(i) { if (doc && doc.body) return ''; else return ''; } function getImg(i) { if (doc && doc.body) return doc.getElementById('___img' + i); else return geByClass1('___img' + i, body); } function init() { iframe = utilsNode.appendChild(ce('iframe')); doc = iframeDoc(iframe); if (doc && doc.body) { body = doc.body; } else { body = utilsNode.appendChild(ce('div', {}, {display: 'none'})); } index = 0; sources = []; } function add(src, onLoad, that) { var i = index++; sources[i] = {src: src, onLoad: onLoad, that: that}; body.appendChild(ce('div', {innerHTML: getImgHtml(i)})); var img = getImg(i); img.src = src; img.onload = function() { var obj = sources[i]; if (!obj) return; obj.onLoad && obj.onLoad.call(obj.that || window, obj.src); delete sources[i]; body.removeChild(getImg(i).parentNode); } } function abort() { re(iframe); aborted_sources = []; for (var k in sources) { aborted_sources.push(sources[k]); } init(); } function repeat(need_redraw) { if (!aborted_sources) return []; var objs = []; for (var k in aborted_sources) { var obj = aborted_sources[k]; add(obj.src, obj.onLoad, obj.that); objs.push(obj.that); } aborted_sources = null; if (need_redraw) { var redraw_data = []; each(objs, function() { redraw_data.push([this, this.src]); this.src = ''; hide(this); }); setTimeout(function(){ each(redraw_data, function() { var img = this[0], src = this[1]; img.src = src; show(img); }); }, 10); } return objs; } init(); return { add: add, abort: abort, repeat: repeat } } function renderFlash(cont, opts, params, vars) { if (!opts.url || !opts.id) { return false; } opts = extend({ version: 9, width: 1, height: 1 }, opts); var f = opts.url; if (!stVersions[f]) { stVersions[f] = ''; } if (__debugMode && stVersions[f] < 1000000) stVersions[f] += irand(1000000, 2000000); if (stVersions[f]) { opts.url += ((opts.url.indexOf('?') == -1) ? '?' : '&') + '_stV=' + stVersions[f]; } params = extend({ quality: 'high', flashvars: ajx2q(vars) }, params); if (browser.flash < opts.version) return false; ge(cont).innerHTML = browser.flashwrap(opts, params); return true; } function onBodyResize(force) { var w = window, de = document.documentElement; if (!w.pageNode) return; var dwidth = Math.max(intval(w.innerWidth), intval(de.clientWidth)); var dheight = Math.max(intval(w.innerHeight), intval(de.clientHeight)); var sbw = sbWidth(); if (browser.mobile) { dwidth = Math.max(dwidth, intval(bodyNode.scrollWidth)); dheight = Math.max(dheight, intval(bodyNode.scrollHeight)); } else if (browser.msie7) { if (htmlNode.scrollHeight > htmlNode.offsetHeight) { dwidth += sbw + 1; } } else if (browser.msie8) { if (htmlNode.scrollHeight + 3 > htmlNode.offsetHeight) { dwidth += sbw + 1; } } if (w.lastWindowWidth != dwidth || force === true) { w.lastInnerWidth = w.lastWindowWidth = dwidth; if (bodyNode.offsetWidth < layoutWidth + sbw + 2) { dwidth = layoutWidth + sbw + 2; } if (dwidth) { for (var el = pageNode.firstChild; el; el = el.nextSibling) { if (!el.tagName) continue; for (var e = el.firstChild; e; e = e.nextSibling) { if (e.className == 'scroll_fix') { e.style.width = ((w.lastInnerWidth = (dwidth - sbw * (browser.msie7 ? 2 : 1) - 1)) - 1) + 'px'; } } } } } if (w.lastWindowHeight != dheight || force === true) { w.lastWindowHeight = dheight; if (browser.msie6) { pageNode.style.height = dheight + 'px'; } } if (cur.lSTL) { setStyle(cur.lSTL, {width: Math.max(getXY(cur.lSTL.el)[0], 0), height: dheight - 1}); } } function redraw(el, fixedClass) { if (el && getStyle(el, 'position') == 'fixed') { fixedClass ? removeClass(el, fixedClass) : setStyle(el, {position: 'relative'}); el.offsetLeft; fixedClass ? addClass(el, fixedClass) : setStyle(el, {position: 'fixed'}); } } function getProgressHtml(id, cls) { return rs(vk.pr_tpl, {id: id || '', cls: cls || ''}); } function showProgress(el, id, doInsertBefore) { el = ge(el); if (!el) return; var prel = se(rs(vk.pr_tpl, {id: id || ''})); if (doInsertBefore) { domInsertBefore(prel, el); } else { el.appendChild(prel); } setTimeout(function(){ setStyle(prel, {opacity: 1}); }); return prel; } function hideProgress(el) { if (el) { re(geByClass1('pr', el)); } } function throttle(fn, time) { var timeout; return function() { if (!timeout) { fn.apply(this, arguments); timeout = setTimeout(function() { timeout = false; }, time) } }; } function shuffle(arr) { var counter = arr.length, temp, index; while (counter > 0) { index = Math.floor(Math.random() * counter); counter--; temp = arr[counter]; arr[counter] = arr[index]; arr[index] = temp; } return arr; } function getProgressHtml(id, cls) { return rs(vk.pr_tpl, {id: id || '', cls: cls || ''}); } function showAudioClaimWarning(owner_id, id, delete_hash, claim_id, title, reason) { var claimText = getLang(reason == 'crap' ? 'audio_crap_warning' : 'audio_claim_warning'), claimTitle = getLang(reason == 'crap' ? 'audio_crap_warning_title' : 'audio_claim_warning_title'), el = geByClass1('_audio_row_' + owner_id + '_' + id); claimText = claimText.split('{audio}').join('' + title + ''); el && showTooltip(el, { slide: 15, shift: [-3, 6], dir: 'auto', checkLeft: true, showdt: 0, hidedt: 200, appendEl: ge('main'), reverseOffset: 80, showIfFit: true, typeClass: 'like_tt audio_claim_warning_tt', content: '
' + claimTitle + '
' + claimText + '
' }); return false; } function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { var timeout; return function() { var context = this, args = arguments; var later = function() { timeout = null; if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args); }; var callNow = immediate && !timeout; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (callNow) func.apply(context, args); } } function domCA(el, selector) { var matches = selector ? matchesSelector : function() { return true; }; do { el = domPN(el); } while(el && !matchesSelector(el, selector)); return el; } function matchesSelector(el, selector) { var matches = el.matches || el.webkitMatchesSelector || el.mozMatchesSelector || el.msMatchesSelector || function(selector) { var nodes = (this.parentNode || this.document || this.ownerDocument).querySelectorAll(selector); for (var i = nodes.length; --i >= 0 && nodes[i] !== this; ) ; return i > -1; }; return matches.call(el, selector); } function isHover(el) {return matchesSelector(el, ':hover');} function isAncestor(el, ancestor) { var current = ge(el); ancestor = ge(ancestor); if (!el || !ancestor) { return false; } while (current = current.parentNode) { if (current == ancestor) { return true; } } return false; } function getScroll() { var b = (browser.msie6) ? ge('PageContainer') : document.body, de = document.documentElement; return [b.scrollLeft || de.scrollLeft || window.pageXOffset || 0, b.scrollTop || de.scrollTop || window.pageYOffset || 0, de.clientWidth || b.clientWidth || 0, de.clientHeight || b.clientHeight || 0]; } /* CSS */ window.whitespaceRegex = /[\t\r\n\f]/g; function hasClass(obj, name) { if (obj = ge(obj)) { name = trim(name).replace(window.whitespaceRegex, ' ').split(' '); var result = true, names = (' ' + obj.className + ' ').replace(window.whitespaceRegex, ' '); each(name, function(i, name) { return (result = names.indexOf(' ' + name + ' ') >= 0); }); return result; } } function addClass(obj, name) { if ((obj = ge(obj)) && !hasClass(obj, name = trim(name).replace(window.whitespaceRegex, ' '))) { obj.className = (obj.className ? obj.className + ' ' : '') + name; } } function removeClass(obj, name) { if (obj = ge(obj)) { name = trim(name).replace(window.whitespaceRegex, ' ').split(' ').join('|'); obj.className = trim((obj.className || '').replace((new RegExp('\\b(' + name + ')\\b', 'g')), ' ')); } } function toggleClass(obj, name, v) { if (v === undefined) { v = !hasClass(obj, name); } (v ? addClass : removeClass)(obj, name); return v; } function addClassDelayed(obj, name) { setTimeout(addClass.pbind(obj, name), 0); } function removeClassDelayed(obj, name) { setTimeout(removeClass.pbind(obj, name), 0); } function toggleClassDelayed(obj, name, v) { if (v === undefined) { v = !hasClass(obj, name); } (v ? addClassDelayed : removeClassDelayed)(obj, name); return v; } function replaceClass(obj, oldName, newName) { removeClass(obj, oldName); addClass(obj, newName); } var cssTransformProp = (function(){ var testEl = document.createElement('div'); if(testEl.style.transform == null) { var vendors = ['Webkit', 'Moz', 'ms']; for(var vendor in vendors) { if(testEl.style[ vendors[vendor] + 'Transform' ] !== undefined) { return vendors[vendor] + 'Transform'; } } } return 'transform'; })(); function getStyle(elem, name, force) { elem = ge(elem); if (isArray(name)) { var res = {}; each(name, function(i,v){res[v] = getStyle(elem, v);}); return res; } if (!elem) return ''; if (force === undefined) { force = true; } if (!force && name == 'opacity' && browser.msie) { var filter = elem.style['filter']; return filter ? (filter.indexOf('opacity=') >= 0 ? (parseFloat(filter.match(/opacity=([^)]*)/)[1] ) / 100) + '' : '1') : ''; } if (!force && elem.style && (elem.style[name] || name == 'height')) { return elem.style[name]; } var ret, defaultView = document.defaultView || window; if (defaultView.getComputedStyle) { name = name.replace(/([A-Z])/g, '-$1').toLowerCase(); var computedStyle = defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null); if (computedStyle) { ret = computedStyle.getPropertyValue(name); } } else if (elem.currentStyle) { if (name == 'opacity' && browser.msie) { var filter = elem.currentStyle['filter']; return filter && filter.indexOf('opacity=') >= 0 ? (parseFloat(filter.match(/opacity=([^)]*)/)[1]) / 100) + '' : '1'; } var camelCase = name.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function(all, letter){ return letter.toUpperCase(); }); ret = elem.currentStyle[name] || elem.currentStyle[camelCase]; //dummy fix for ie if (ret == 'auto') { ret = 0; } ret = (ret + '').split(' '); each(ret, function(i,v) { if (!/^\d+(px)?$/i.test(v) && /^\d/.test(v)) { var style = elem.style, left = style.left, rsLeft = elem.runtimeStyle.left; elem.runtimeStyle.left = elem.currentStyle.left; style.left = v || 0; ret[i] = style.pixelLeft + 'px'; style.left = left; elem.runtimeStyle.left = rsLeft; } }); ret = ret.join(' '); } if (force && (name == 'width' || name == 'height')) { var ret2 = getSize(elem, true)[({'width': 0, 'height': 1})[name]]; ret = (intval(ret) ? Math.max(floatval(ret), ret2) : ret2) + 'px'; } return ret; } function setStyle(elem, name, value){ elem = ge(elem); if (!elem) return; if (typeof name == 'object') return each(name, function(k, v) { setStyle(elem,k,v); }); if (name == 'opacity') { if (browser.msie) { if ((value + '').length) { if (value !== 1) { elem.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + value * 100 + ')'; } else { elem.style.filter = ''; } } else { elem.style.cssText = elem.style.cssText.replace(/filter\s*:[^;]*/gi, ''); } elem.style.zoom = 1; }; elem.style.opacity = value; } else { try{ var isN = typeof(value) == 'number'; if (isN && (/height|width/i).test(name)) value = Math.abs(value); elem.style[name] = isN && !(/z-?index|font-?weight|opacity|zoom|line-?height/i).test(name) ? value + 'px' : value; } catch(e){debugLog('setStyle error: ', [name, value], e);} } } function setPseudoStyle(elem, pseudo, style) { var pid = data(elem, 'pseudo-id'); if (!pid) { data(elem, 'pseudo-id', pid = irand(100000000, 999999999)); addClass(elem, '_pseudo_' + pid); } var sid = pseudo + '-style-' + pid, stel = ge(sid), css = '._pseudo_' + pid + ':' + pseudo + '{'; if (!stel) { stel = headNode.appendChild(ce('style', { id: sid, type: 'text/css' })); } each(style, function(k, v) { css += k + ': ' + v + ' !important;'; }); css += '}'; if (stel.sheet) { if (stel.sheet.cssRules.length) { stel.sheet.deleteRule(0); } stel.sheet.insertRule(css, 0); } else if (stel.styleSheet) { stel.styleSheet.cssText = css; } } /* Animation */ function animate(el, params, speed, callback) { el = ge(el); if (!el) return; var _cb = isFunction(callback) ? callback : function() {}; var options = extend({}, typeof speed == 'object' ? speed : {duration: speed, onComplete: _cb}); var fromArr = {}, toArr = {}, visible = isVisible(el), self = this, p; options.orig = {}; params = clone(params); if (params.discrete) { options.discrete = 1; delete(params.discrete); } if (browser.iphone) options.duration = 0; var tween = data(el, 'tween'), i, name, toggleAct = visible ? 'hide' : 'show'; if (tween && tween.isTweening) { options.orig = extend(options.orig, tween.options.orig); tween.stop(false); if (tween.options.show) toggleAct = 'hide'; else if (tween.options.hide) toggleAct = 'show'; } for (p in params) { if (!tween && (params[p] == 'show' && visible || params[p] == 'hide' && !visible)) { return options.onComplete.call(this, el); } if ((p == 'height' || p == 'width') && el.style) { if (!params.overflow) { if (options.orig.overflow == undefined) { options.orig.overflow = getStyle(el, 'overflow'); } el.style.overflow = 'hidden'; } if (!hasClass(el, 'inl_bl') && el.tagName != 'TD') { el.style.display = 'block'; } } if (/show|hide|toggle/.test(params[p])) { if (params[p] == 'toggle') { params[p] = toggleAct; } if (params[p] == 'show') { var from = 0; options.show = true; if (options.orig[p] == undefined) { options.orig[p] = getStyle(el, p, false) || ''; setStyle(el, p, 0); } var o; if (p == 'height' && browser.msie6) { o = '0px'; el.style.overflow = ''; } else { o = options.orig[p]; } var old = el.style[p]; el.style[p] = o; params[p] = parseFloat(getStyle(el, p, true)); el.style[p] = old; if (p == 'height' && browser.msie && !params.overflow) { el.style.overflow = 'hidden'; } } else { if (options.orig[p] == undefined) { options.orig[p] = getStyle(el, p, false) || ''; } options.hide = true; params[p] = 0; } } } if (options.show && !visible) { show(el); } tween = new Fx.Base(el, options); each(params, function(name, to) { if (/backgroundColor|borderBottomColor|borderLeftColor|borderRightColor|borderTopColor|color|borderColor|outlineColor/.test(name)) { var p = (name == 'borderColor') ? 'borderTopColor' : name; from = getColor(el, p); to = getRGB(to); if (from === undefined) return; } else { var parts = to.toString().match(/^([+-]=)?([\d+-.]+)(.*)$/), start = tween.cur(name, true) || 0; if (parts) { to = parseFloat(parts[2]); if (parts[1]) { to = ((parts[1] == '-=' ? -1 : 1) * to) + to; } } if (options.hide && name == 'height' && browser.msie6) { el.style.height = '0px'; el.style.overflow = ''; } from = tween.cur(name, true); if (options.hide && name == 'height' && browser.msie6) { el.style.height = ''; el.style.overflow = 'hidden'; } if (from == 0 && (name == 'width' || name == 'height')) from = 1; if (name == 'opacity' && to > 0 && !visible) { setStyle(el, 'opacity', 0); from = 0; show(el); } } if (from != to || (isArray(from) && from.join(',') == to.join(','))) { fromArr[name] = from; toArr[name] = to; } }); tween.start(fromArr, toArr); data(el, 'tween', tween); return tween; } function cubicBezier(x1, y1, x2, y2, t, dt) { var curveX = function(t) { var v = 1 - t; return 3 * v * v * t * x1 + 3 * v * t * t * x2 + t * t * t; }; var curveY = function(t) { var v = 1 - t; return 3 * v * v * t * y1 + 3 * v * t * t * y2 + t * t * t; }; var derivativeCurveX = function(t) { var v = 1 - t; return 3 * (2 * (t - 1) * t + v * v) * x1 + 3 * (- t * t * t + 2 * v * t) * x2; }; var x = t, t0, t1, t2, xx, d2, i; // First try a few iterations of Newton's method -- normally very fast. for (t2 = x, i = 0; i < 8; i++){ xx = curveX(t2) - x; if (Math.abs(xx) < dt) { return curveY(t2); } d2 = derivativeCurveX(t2); if (Math.abs(d2) < 1e-6) break; t2 = t2 - xx / d2; } t0 = 0, t1 = 1, t2 = x; if (t2 < t0) return curveY(t0); if (t2 > t1) return curveY(t1); // Fallback to the bisection method for reliability. while (t0 < t1){ xx = curveX(t2); if (Math.abs(xx - x) < dt) return curveY(t2); if (x > xx) t0 = t2; else t1 = t2; t2 = (t1 - t0) * .5 + t0; } // Failure return curveY(t2); } function fadeTo(el, speed, to, callback) { return animate(el, {opacity: to}, speed, callback); } var Fx = { Transitions: { linear: function(t, b, c, d) { return c*t/d + b; }, sineInOut: function(t, b, c, d) { return -c/2 * (Math.cos(Math.PI*t/d) - 1) + b; }, halfSine: function(t, b, c, d) { return c * (Math.sin(Math.PI * (t/d) / 2)) + b; }, easeOutBack: function(t, b, c, d) { var s = 1.70158; return c*((t=t/d-1)*t*((s+1)*t + s) + 1) + b; }, easeInCirc: function(t, b, c, d) { return -c * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t/=d)*t) - 1) + b; }, easeOutCirc: function(t, b, c, d) { return c * Math.sqrt(1 - (t=t/d-1)*t) + b; }, easeInQuint: function(t, b, c, d) { return c*(t/=d)*t*t*t*t + b; }, easeOutQuint: function(t, b, c, d) { return c*((t=t/d-1)*t*t*t*t + 1) + b; }, easeOutCubic: function(t, b, c, d) { return c*((t=t/d-1)*t*t + 1) + b;}, swiftOut: function(t, b, c, d) { return c * cubicBezier(0.4, 0, 0.22, 1, t/d, 4/d) + b; } }, Attrs: [ [ 'height', 'marginTop', 'marginBottom', 'paddingTop', 'paddingBottom' ], [ 'width', 'marginLeft', 'marginRight', 'paddingLeft', 'paddingRight' ], [ 'opacity', 'left', 'top' ] ], Timers: [], TimerId: null }, fx = Fx; Fx.Base = function(el, options, name) { this.el = ge(el); this.name = name; this.options = extend({ onStep: function(){}, onComplete: function() {}, transition: options.transition || Fx.Transitions.sineInOut, duration: 500 }, options || {}); } function genFx(type, num) { var obj = {}; each(Fx.Attrs.concat.apply([], Fx.Attrs.slice(0, num)), function() { obj[this] = type; }); return obj; }; // Shortcuts for custom animations each({slideDown: genFx('show', 1), slideUp: genFx('hide', 1), slideToggle: genFx('toggle', 1), fadeIn: {opacity: 'show'}, fadeOut: {opacity: 'hide'}, fadeToggle: {opacity: 'toggle'}}, function(f, v) { window[f] = function(el, speed, callback) { return animate(el, v, speed, callback); } }); // Shortcuts for custom animations each({slideDown: genFx('show', 1), slideUp: genFx('hide', 1), slideToggle: genFx('toggle', 1), fadeIn: {opacity: 'show'}, fadeOut: {opacity: 'hide'}, fadeToggle: {opacity: 'toggle'}}, function(f, val) { window[f] = function(el, speed, callback) { return animate(el, val, speed, callback); } }); Fx.Base.prototype = { start: function(from, to){ this.from = from; this.to = to; this.time = vkNow(); this.isTweening = true; var self = this; function t(gotoEnd) { return self.step(gotoEnd); } t.el = this.el; if (t() && Fx.Timers.push(t) && !Fx.TimerId) { Fx.TimerId = setInterval(function() { var timers = Fx.Timers, l = timers.length; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (!timers[i]()) { timers.splice(i--, 1); l--; } } if (!l) { clearInterval(Fx.TimerId); Fx.TimerId = null; } }, 13); } return this; }, stop: function(gotoEnd) { var timers = Fx.Timers; for (var i = timers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (timers[i].el == this.el ) { if (gotoEnd) { timers[i](true); } timers.splice(i, 1); } } this.isTweening = false; }, step: function(gotoEnd) { var time = vkNow(); if (!gotoEnd && time < this.time + this.options.duration) { this.cTime = time - this.time; this.now = {}; for (p in this.to) { // color fx if (isArray(this.to[p])) { var color = [], j; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (this.from[p] === undefined || this.to[p] === undefined) { return false; } color.push(Math.min(parseInt(this.compute(this.from[p][j], this.to[p][j])), 255)); } this.now[p] = color; } else { this.now[p] = this.compute(this.from[p], this.to[p]); if (this.options.discrete) this.now[p] = intval(this.now[p]); } } this.update(); return true; } else { setTimeout(this.options.onComplete.bind(this, this.el), 10); this.now = extend(this.to, this.options.orig); this.update(); if (this.options.hide) hide(this.el); this.isTweening = false; return false; } }, compute: function(from, to){ var change = to - from; return this.options.transition(this.cTime, from, change, this.options.duration); }, update: function(){ this.options.onStep(this.now); for (var p in this.now) { if (isArray(this.now[p])) setStyle(this.el, p, 'rgb(' + this.now[p].join(',') + ')'); else this.el[p] != undefined ? (this.el[p] = this.now[p]) : setStyle(this.el, p, this.now[p]); } }, cur: function(name, force){ if (this.el[name] != null && (!this.el.style || this.el.style[name] == null)) return this.el[name]; return parseFloat(getStyle(this.el, name, force)) || 0; } }; function cssAnim(obj, prep, opts, callb) { var v = intval(browser.version); if (obj && ((browser.chrome && v > 14) || (browser.mozilla && v > 13) || (browser.opera && v > 2))) { var callbWrap; var st = 'all '+opts.duration+'ms '+(opts.func || 'ease-out'); obj.style.WebkitTransition = st; obj.style.MozTransition = st; obj.style.OTransition = st; obj.style.transition = st; var callbWrap = function() { if (browser.opera && intval(browser.version) <= 12) { obj.removeEventListener('oTransitionEnd', callbWrap); } else { removeEvent(obj, 'webkitTransitionEnd transitionend msTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd', callbWrap); } obj.style.WebkitTransition = ''; obj.style.MozTransition = ''; obj.style.OTransition = ''; obj.style.transition = ''; if (callb) callb(); return false; } if (callb) { if (browser.opera && intval(browser.version) <= 12) { obj.addEventListener('oTransitionEnd', callbWrap) } else { addEvent(obj, 'webkitTransitionEnd transitionend msTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd', callbWrap); } } setTimeout(setStyle.pbind(obj, prep), 0); } else { animate(obj, prep, extend(opts, {onComplete: callb})); } } function animateCount(el, newCount, opts) { el = ge(el); opts = opts || {}; if (opts.str) { newCount = trim(newCount.toString()) || ''; } else { newCount = positive(newCount); } if (!el) return; if (browser.msie6 || browser.mobile && !browser.safari_mobile && !browser.android) { val(el, newCount || ''); return; } var curCount = data(el, 'curCount'), nextCount = data(el, 'nextCount'); if (typeof nextCount == 'number' || opts.str && typeof nextCount == 'string') { if (newCount != nextCount) { data(el, 'nextCount', newCount); } return; } if (typeof curCount == 'number' || opts.str && typeof curCount == 'string') { if (newCount != curCount) { data(el, 'nextCount', newCount); } return; } if (opts.str) { curCount = trim(val(el).toString()) || ''; } else { curCount = positive(val(el)); } if (opts.str === 'auto') { opts.str = !curCount.match(/^\d+$/) || !newCount.match(/^\d+$/); if (!opts.str) { curCount = positive(curCount); newCount = positive(newCount); } } if (curCount == newCount) { return; } data(el, 'curCount', newCount); var incr = opts.str ? (curCount.length == newCount.length ? curCount < newCount : curCount.length < newCount.length) : curCount < newCount, big = (incr ? newCount : curCount).toString(), small = (incr ? curCount : newCount).toString(), constPart = [], constEndPart = [], bigPart = '', smallPart = '', i, l, j; if (!opts.str) { small = ((new Array(big.length - small.length + 1)).join('0')) + small; } for (i = 0, l = big.length; i < l; i++) { if ((j = big.charAt(i)) !== small.charAt(i)) { break; } constPart.push(j); } bigPart = big.substr(i); smallPart = small.substr(i); if (opts.str) { for (i = bigPart.length; i > 0; i--) { if ((j = bigPart.charAt(i)) !== smallPart.charAt(i)) { break; } constEndPart.unshift(j); } if (constEndPart.length) { bigPart = bigPart.substr(0, i + 1); smallPart = smallPart.substr(0, i + 1); } } constPart = constPart.join('').replace(/\s$/, ' '); constEndPart = constEndPart.join('').replace(/^\s/, ' '); if (!trim(val(el))) { val(el, ' '); } var h = el.clientHeight || el.offsetHeight; val(el, '
'); var wrapEl = el.firstChild, constEl1, constEl2, animwrapEl, animEl, vert = true; if (constPart.length) { wrapEl.appendChild(constEl1 = ce('div', {className: 'counter_const inl_bl', innerHTML: constPart})); } if (!constPart.length) { smallPart = smallPart.replace(/^0+/, ''); } if (!smallPart || smallPart == '0' && !constPart.length) { smallPart = ' '; vert = constPart.length ? true : false; } wrapEl.appendChild(animwrapEl = ce('div', {className: 'counter_anim_wrap inl_bl'})); animwrapEl.appendChild(animEl = ce('div', { className: 'counter_anim ' + (incr ? 'counter_anim_inc' : 'counter_anim_dec'), innerHTML: '
' + bigPart + '
' + (vert ? '
' + smallPart + '
' : '') }, vert ? {marginTop: incr ? -h : 0} : {right: 0})); if (opts.str) { setStyle(animEl, {textAlign: 'right', right: 0}); } var bigW = getSize(geByClass1('counter_anim_big_c', animEl, 'span'))[0], smallW = vert ? (smallPart == ' ' ? bigW : getSize(geByClass1('counter_anim_small_c', animEl, 'span'))[0]) : 0; if (constEndPart.length) { wrapEl.appendChild(constEl2 = ce('div', {className: 'counter_const inl_bl', innerHTML: constEndPart})); } setStyle(wrapEl, {width: (constEl1 && getSize(constEl1)[0] || 0) + (constEl2 && getSize(constEl2)[0] || 0) + bigW + 0}) if (browser.csstransitions === undefined) { var b = browser, bv = floatval(b.version); browser.csstransitions = (b.chrome && bv >= 9.0) || (b.mozilla && bv >= 4.0) || (b.opera && bv >= 10.5) || (b.safari && bv >= 3.2) || (b.safari_mobile) || (b.android); } var css3 = browser.csstransitions; setStyle(animwrapEl, {width: incr ? smallW : bigW}); var onDone = function () { val(el, newCount || ' '); var next = data(el, 'nextCount'); data(el, 'curCount', false); data(el, 'nextCount', false); if (typeof next == 'number' || opts.str && typeof next == 'string') { setTimeout(animateCount.pbind(el, next, opts), 0); } opts.onDone && opts.onDone(); }, margin = vert ? {marginTop: incr ? 0 : -h} : {marginRight: incr ? -smallW : 0}; if (css3) { getStyle(animwrapEl, 'width'); addClass(animwrapEl, 'counter_css_anim_wrap'); if (bigW != smallW) { setStyle(animwrapEl, {width: incr ? bigW : smallW}); } if (vert) setStyle(animEl, margin); setTimeout(onDone, 300); if (opts.fadeMode) { setStyle(geByClass1('counter_anim_big', el), 'opacity', 1); setStyle(geByClass1('counter_anim_small', el), 'opacity', 0); } } else { if (bigW != smallW) { animate(animwrapEl, {width: incr ? bigW : smallW}, {duration: 100}); } if (vert) { animate(animEl, margin, {duration: 300, transition: Fx.Transitions.easeOutCirc, onComplete: onDone}); } else { setTimeout(onDone, 300); } } } /* Tooltips */ function _cleanHide(el) { if (el.temphide) { removeEvent(el, 'mouseout', el.temphide); removeAttr(el, 'temphide'); removeAttr(el, 'showing'); } } function showTooltip(el, opts) { _cleanHide(el); var showing = true; el.temphide = function() { showing = false; } addEvent(el, 'mouseout', el.temphide); if (opts.stat) stManager.add(opts.stat); stManager.add(['tooltips.js', 'tooltips.css'], function() { if (!showing) return; _cleanHide(el); if (!el.tt || !el.tt.el || opts.force) { tooltips.create(el, opts); if (opts.onCreate) opts.onCreate(); } tooltips.show(el, opts); }); } function showTitle(el, text, shift, opts) { el = ge(el); var tf = function() { return text || el.getAttribute('data-title'); }; if (browser.msie && browser.version < 9) { el.setAttribute('title', tf()); } else { if (!shift) { var sx = Math.round(20 - getSize(el)[0] / 2); shift = [sx, 8]; } showTooltip(el, extend({text: tf, shift: shift, black: 1}, opts)); } } /* UI */ function topMsg(text, seconds, color) { if (!color) color = '#D6E5F7'; if (!text) { hide('system_msg'); } else { clearTimeout(window.topMsgTimer); var el = ge('system_msg'); el.style.backgroundColor = color; el.innerHTML = text; show(el); if (seconds) { window.topMsgTimer = setTimeout(topMsg.pbind(false), seconds * 1000); } } } function topError(text, seconds) { if (text.message) { var e = text; text = 'JavaScript error: ' + e.message; if (e.stack && __debugMode) text += '
' + e.stack.replace(/\n/g, '
'); } topMsg(text, seconds, '#FFB4A3'); } function setTitle(el, cntEl, txt) { el = ge(el); if (!el || el.titleSet) return; if (!cntEl) cntEl = el; if (cntEl.scrollWidth > cntEl.clientWidth) { el.setAttribute('title', trim(txt || el.innerText || el.textContent)); } else { var b = geByTag1('b', el); if (b && b.scrollWidth > b.clientWidth) { el.setAttribute('title', trim(txt || el.innerText || el.textContent)); } else { el.removeAttribute('title'); } } el.titleSet = 1; } function setFavIcon() {} function showGlobalPrg(img, opts) { var xy = getXY(img), sz = getSize(img), o = opts || {}, w = o.w || 32, h = o.h || 13, el = ge('global_prg'); el.className = o.cls || 'progress'; setStyle(el, { left: xy[0] + Math.floor((sz[0] - w) / 2) + intval(o.shift ? o.shift[0] : 0), top: xy[1] + Math.floor((sz[1] - h) / 2) + intval(o.shift ? o.shift[1] : 0), width: w, height: h, display: 'block', 'z-index': (o.zIndex ? o.zIndex : null) }); if (o.hide) { img.style.visibility = 'hidden'; } } function callHub(func, count) { this.count = count || 1; this.done = function(c) { this.count -= c || 1; if (this.count <= 0) { func(); } }; } function isChecked(el) { el = ge(el); return hasClass(el, 'on') ? 1 : ''; } function checkbox(el, v) { el = ge(el); if (!el || hasClass(el, 'disabled')) return; if (v === undefined) { v = !isChecked(el); } toggleClass(el, 'on', v); return false; } function disable(el, v) { el = ge(el); if (v === undefined) { v = !hasClass(el, 'disabled'); } toggleClass(el, 'disabled', v); return false; } function autosizeSetup(el, options) { el = ge(el); if (!el) return; if (el.autosize) { el.autosize.update(); return; } options.minHeight = intval(options.minHeight) || intval(getStyle(el, 'height')); options.maxHeight = intval(options.maxHeight); var elwidth = getSize(el)[0], fs = getStyle(el, 'fontSize'), lh; if (!elwidth) { elwidth = intval(getStyle(el, 'width')); } if (elwidth < 1) { elwidth = intval(getStyle(el, 'width', false)); } if (fs.indexOf('em') > 0) { fs = floatval(fs) * vk.fs; } fs = intval(fs); el.autosize = { options: options, helper: ce('textarea', {className: 'ashelper'}, { width: elwidth, height: 10, fontFamily: getStyle(el, 'fontFamily'), fontSize: fs + 'px', lineHeight: (lh = getStyle(el, 'lineHeight')), boxSizing: getStyle(el, 'boxSizing'), padding: options.ignorePadding ? '0' : getStyle(el, 'padding') }), handleEvent: function(v, e) { var ch = e.charCode ? String.fromCharCode(e.charCode) : e.charCode; if (ch === undefined) { ch = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode); if (e.keyCode == 10 || e.keyCode == 13) { ch = '\n'; } else if (!browser.msie && e.keyCode <= 40) { ch = ''; } } if (!ch) { return v; } if (!browser.msie) { return v.substr(0, el.selectionStart) + ch + v.substr(el.selectionEnd); } var r = document.selection.createRange(); if (r.text) { v = v.replace(r.text, ''); } return v + ch; }, update: function(e) { var value = el.value; if (e && e.type != 'blur' && e.type != 'keyup' && (!browser.msie || e.type == 'keypress')) { if (!e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey && !e.metaKey) { value = el.autosize.handleEvent(value, e); } } if (!value) { value = ' '; } if (el.autosize.helper.value != value) { el.autosize.helper.value = value; } var opts = el.autosize.options, oldHeight = getSize(el, true)[1], newHeight = el.autosize.helper.scrollHeight, df; if (opts.exact && (df = newHeight % lh) > 2) { newHeight -= (df - 2); } if (newHeight < opts.minHeight) { newHeight = opts.minHeight; } var newStyle = {overflow: 'hidden'}, curOverflow = getStyle(el, 'overflow').indexOf('auto') > -1 ? 'auto' : 'hidden'; if (opts.maxHeight && newHeight > opts.maxHeight) { newHeight = opts.maxHeight; extend(newStyle, {overflow: 'auto', overflowX: 'hidden'}); } if (oldHeight != newHeight || curOverflow != newStyle.overflow) { newStyle.height = newHeight; setStyle(el, newStyle); if (isFunction(opts.onResize)) { opts.onResize(newHeight); } } } } if (options.exact) { if (lh == 'normal') lh = '120%'; lh = intval((lh.indexOf('%') > 0) ? fs * intval(lh) / 100 : lh); } utilsNode.appendChild(el.autosize.helper); if (browser.opera_mobile) { setStyle(el, {overflow: 'hidden'}); el.autosize.update(); addEvent(el, 'blur', el.autosize.update); } else { addEvent(el, 'keydown keyup keypress', el.autosize.update); setTimeout(function() { setStyle(el, {overflow: 'hidden', resize: 'none'}); el.autosize.update(); var t = val(el); val(el, ' ', true); val(el, t, true); }, 0); } } function sbWidth() { if (window._sbWidth === undefined) { var t = ce('div', {innerHTML: '
'}, { overflowY: 'scroll', position: 'absolute', width: '50px', height: '50px' }); bodyNode.appendChild(t); window._sbWidth = t.offsetWidth - t.firstChild.offsetWidth - 1; bodyNode.removeChild(t); } return window._sbWidth; } function val(input, value, nofire) { input = ge(input); if (!input) return; if (value !== undefined) { if (input.setValue) { input.setValue(value); !nofire && input.phonblur && input.phonblur(); } else if (input.tagName == 'INPUT' || input.tagName == 'TEXTAREA') { input.value = value; } else if (input.emojiId !== undefined && window.Emoji) { Emoji.val(input, value); } else { input.innerHTML = value; } triggerEvent(input, 'valueChanged'); } return input.getValue ? input.getValue() : (((input.tagName == 'INPUT' || input.tagName == 'TEXTAREA') ? input.value : input.innerHTML) || ''); } function elfocus(el, from, to) { el = ge(el); try { el.focus(); if (from === undefined || from === false) from = el.value.length; if (to === undefined || to === false) to = from; if (el.createTextRange) { var range = el.createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); range.moveEnd('character', to); range.moveStart('character', from); range.select(); } else if (el.setSelectionRange) { el.setSelectionRange(from, to); } } catch(e) {} } function shortCurrency() { var rubEnabled = {}; each(geByClass('_short_currency'), function() { var _short = this.getAttribute('data-short') || '', _short_len = winToUtf(_short).length, ff = getStyle(this, 'fontFamily') || 'tahoma,arial,sans-serif'; if (!_short) return true; if (typeof rubEnabled[ff] === 'undefined') { var _test = ''; for (var i = _short_len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { _test += '⃏'; } var div = ce('div', {innerHTML: '' + _short + '' + _test + ''},{fontFamily: ff, fontSize: '24px'}); ge('utils').appendChild(div); rubEnabled[ff] = Math.abs(div.firstChild.offsetWidth - div.lastChild.offsetWidth) >= 3 * _short_len; re(div); } if (rubEnabled[ff]) { val(this, _short); } }); } function notaBene(el, color, nofocus) { el = ge(el); if (!el) return; if (!nofocus) elfocus(el); var oldBack = data(el, 'back') || data(el, 'back', getStyle(el, 'backgroundColor')); var colors = {notice: '#FFFFE0', warning: '#FAEAEA'}; setStyle(el, 'backgroundColor', colors[color] || color || colors.warning); setTimeout(animate.pbind(el, {backgroundColor: oldBack}, 300), 400); } function getCaretBoundingRect(node) { var rectNode = node.getBoundingClientRect(), rectCaret = null, range = null; if (rectNode.top === rectNode.bottom) return {left: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0}; if (document.selection) { // using textRange range = document.selection.createRange(); rectCaret = range.getClientRects() || []; if (!rectCaret.length) { // fix empty range range.text = '_'; range.moveStart('character', -1); rectCaret = range.getClientRects(); range.text = ''; } rectCaret = rectCaret[rectCaret.length - 1]; } else if (window.getSelection) { // using Range var sel = getSelection(); range = sel.getRangeAt(0); if (range.collapsed) { // fix empty range var offset = range.startOffset; range.setStart(range.startContainer, 0); rectCaret = range.getClientRects(); range.setStart(range.startContainer, offset); } rectCaret = rectCaret.length ? rectCaret[rectCaret.length - 1] : {right: rectNode.left, top: rectNode.top, bottom: rectNode.top}; } return { left: rectCaret.right - rectNode.left, top: rectCaret.top - rectNode.top, bottom: rectCaret.bottom - rectNode.top }; }; function hasAccessibilityMode() { return !!(window.vk && vk.a11y); } /* UI Placeholder */ function __phCheck(el, opts, focus, blur) { opts = opts || {}; var shown = el.phshown, ph = el.phcont, back = opts.back, editable = opts.editable, phColor = opts.phColor || '#8C8E91', activeColor = opts.activeColor || '#C0C8D0', hideBackAfter = opts.hideBackAfter, animateTimout = (opts.timeout || opts.timeout === 0) ? opts.timeout : 100, animatePeriod = opts.period || 200; if (editable) { var v = (el.textContent !== undefined ? el.textContent : el.innerText) || geByTag('img', el).length; } else { var v = el.value; } if (shown && (back && v || !back && (focus && !focus.type || v))) { hide(ph); el.phshown = false; } else if (!shown && !v && (back || blur)) { show(ph); el.phshown = true; if (browser.opera && blur) { el.setAttribute('placeholder', ''); el.removeAttribute('placeholder', ''); } } if (back && !v) { if (focus && !focus.type) { var cb = hideBackAfter ? hide.pbind(ph.firstChild.firstChild) : null; clearTimeout(el.phanim); el.phanim = setTimeout(function() { animate(ph.firstChild.firstChild, {color: activeColor}, animatePeriod, cb); }, animateTimout); } if (blur) { clearTimeout(el.phanim); if (hideBackAfter) { show(ph.firstChild.firstChild); } el.phanim = setTimeout(function() { animate(ph.firstChild.firstChild, {color: phColor}, animatePeriod); }, animateTimout); } } } function placeholderSetup(id, opts) { var el = ge(id); var disabled = false; var ph; var o = opts ? clone(opts) : {}; if (!el || (el.phevents && !o.reload) || !(ph = (el.getAttribute ? el.getAttribute('placeholder') : el.placeholder))) { return; } el.removeAttribute('placeholder'); var pad = {}; var dirs = ['Top', 'Bottom', 'Left', 'Right']; if (o.pad) { pad = o.pad; } else { if (o.fast) { for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { pad['padding' + dirs[i]] = 3; pad['margin' + dirs[i]] = 0; pad['border' + dirs[i] + 'Width'] = 1; } extend(pad, o.styles || {}); } else { var prop = []; for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { prop.push('margin' + dirs[i]); prop.push('padding' + dirs[i]); prop.push('border' + dirs[i] + 'Width'); } pad = getStyle(el, prop); } for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { // add border if needed var mKey = 'margin' + dirs[i], bKey = 'border' + dirs[i] + 'Width'; pad[mKey] = (intval(pad[mKey]) + intval(pad[bKey])) + 'px'; delete(pad[bKey]); } } if (o.reload) { var prel = el.previousSibling; if (prel && hasClass(prel, 'input_back_wrap')) re(prel); } var b1 = el.phcont = el.parentNode.insertBefore(ce('div', { className: 'input_back_wrap no_select', innerHTML: '
' + ph + '
' }), el); var b = domFC(b1); var c = domFC(b); setStyle(b, pad); var cv = __phCheck.pbind(el, o), checkValue = browser.mobile ? cv : function(f, b) { setTimeout(cv.pbind(f, b), 0); } if (browser.msie && browser.version < 8) { setStyle(b, {marginTop: 1}); } el.phonfocus = function(hid) { if (disabled) { return; } el.focused = true; cur.__focused = el; if (hid === true) { setStyle(el, {backgroundColor: '#FFF'}); hide(b); } checkValue(true, false); } el.phonblur = function() { if (disabled) { return; } cur.__focused = el.focused = false; show(b); checkValue(false, true); } el.phshown = true, el.phanim = null; if (el.value || (o.editable && ((el.textContent !== undefined ? el.textContent : el.innerText) || geByTag('img', el).length))) { el.phshown = false; hide(b1); } if (!browser.opera_mobile) { addEvent(b1, 'focus click', function(ev) { if (disabled) { return; } if (o.editableFocus) { setTimeout(o.editableFocus.pbind(el), 0); el.phonfocus(); } else { el.blur(); el.focus(); } }); addEvent(el, 'focus'+(o.editable ? ' click' : ''), el.phonfocus); addEvent(el, 'keydown paste cut input', checkValue); } addEvent(el, 'blur', el.phonblur); el.check = checkValue; el.getValue = function() { return o.editable ? el.innerHTML : el.value; } el.setPlaceholder = function(ph) { geByClass1('input_back_content', b1).textContent = ph; }, el.setDisabled = function(dis) { disabled = dis; }, el.setValue = function(v) { if (o.editable) { el.innerHTML = v; } else { el.value = v; } __phCheck(el, o); } el.phevents = true; el.phonsize = function() {}; if (o.global) return; if (!o.reload) { if (!cur.__phinputs) { cur.__phinputs = []; cur.destroy.push(function(__phinputs) { for (var i = 0, l = __phinputs.length; i < l; ++i) { removeData(__phinputs[i]); } }.pbind(cur.__phinputs)); } cur.__phinputs.push(el); } } // placeholder fallback for IE and old opera function placeholderInit(id, opts) { var el = ge(id); var ph; var o = opts ? clone(opts) : {}; var custom = typeof(ce("input").placeholder) === 'undefined' || el && el.getAttribute && el.getAttribute('contenteditable'); if (!el || (el.phevents && !o.reload) || !(ph = (el.getAttribute ? el.getAttribute('placeholder') : el.placeholder))) { return; } el.getValue = function() { return o.editable ? el.innerHTML : el.value; } el.setValue = function(v) { if (o.editable) { el.innerHTML = v; } else { el.value = v; } if (custom) { _phCheck(el, o); } } el.phonfocus = function() {} el.phonblur = function() {} if (!custom) return; function _phCheck(el, opts, focus, blur) { opts = opts || {}; var shown = el.phshown, ph = el.phcont, editable = opts.editable; if (editable) { var v = (el.textContent !== undefined ? el.textContent : el.innerText); if (v && browser.opera && v.match(/^[ ]+$/)) { v = ''; } if (!v) { v = geByTag('img', el).length > 0; } if (!v) { v = geByTag('br', el).length > 1; } } else { var v = el.value; } if (shown && v) { hide(ph); el.phshown = false; } else if (!shown && !v) { show(ph); el.phshown = true; if (browser.opera && blur) { el.setAttribute('placeholder', ''); el.removeAttribute('placeholder', ''); } } } el.removeAttribute('placeholder'); if (o.reload) { var prel = domNS(el); if (prel && hasClass(prel, 'placeholder')) re(prel); } var b1 = el.phcont = domInsertAfter(ce('div', { className: 'placeholder', innerHTML: '
' + ph + '
' }), el); var b = domFC(b1); var c = domFC(b); var cv = _phCheck.pbind(el, o), checkValue = browser.mobile ? cv : function(f, b) { setTimeout(cv.pbind(f, b), 0); } el.phonfocus = function(hid) { el.focused = true; cur.__focused = el; checkValue(true, false); } el.phonblur = function() { cur.__focused = el.focused = false; checkValue(false, true); } el.phshown = true; if (el.value || (o.editable && ((el.textContent !== undefined ? el.textContent : el.innerText) || geByTag('img', el).length))) { el.phshown = false; hide(b1); } if (!browser.opera_mobile) { addEvent(b1, 'focus click', function(ev) { if (o.editableFocus) { setTimeout(o.editableFocus.pbind(el), 0); el.phonfocus(); } else { el.blur(); el.focus(); } }); addEvent(el, 'focus' + (o.editable ? ' click' : ''), el.phonfocus); addEvent(el, 'keydown paste cut input', checkValue); } addEvent(el, 'blur', el.phonblur); el.check = checkValue; el.phevents = true; el.phonsize = function() {}; if (o.global) return; if (!o.reload) { if (!cur.__phinputs) { cur.__phinputs = []; cur.destroy.push(function() { if (!cur.__phinputs) return; for (var i = 0, l = cur.__phinputs.length; i < l; ++i) { removeData(cur.__phinputs[i]); } }); } cur.__phinputs.push(el); } } /* UI Boxes */ function requestBox(box, onDone, onFail) { box.setOptions({onHide: onFail}); box.onDone = function() { box.setOptions({onHide: false}); onDone(); } return box; } function activateMobileBox(opts) { return requestBox(showBox('activation.php', { act: 'activate_mobile_box', hash: opts.hash, captcha: opts.acceptCaptcha ? 1 : '' }), function() { vk.nophone = 0; opts.onDone(); }, opts.onFail); } // Layers window._layerAnim = false; window.layers = { sh: (!_layerAnim || browser.msie || browser.iphone) ? function(el, done) { show(el); if (done) done(); } : function(el, done) { fadeIn(el, 200, done); }, hd: (!_layerAnim || browser.msie || browser.iphone) ? function(el, done) { hide(el); if (done) done(); } : function(el, done) { fadeOut(el, 200, done); }, visible: false, _show: function(el, con, opacity, color) { setStyle(el, {opacity: opacity || '', backgroundColor: color || ''}); if (!layers.visible) { toggleFlash(); if (browser.mozilla) { window._oldScroll = htmlNode.scrollTop; pageNode.style.height = (_oldScroll + (window.lastWindowHeight || 0)) + 'px'; pageNode.style.marginTop = -_oldScroll + 'px'; } else if (!browser.msie6) { (browser.msie7 ? htmlNode : bodyNode).style.overflow = 'hidden'; } } layers.visible = true; addClass(bodyNode, 'layers_shown'); if (con.visibilityHide) { removeClass(con, 'box_layer_hidden'); } else { show(con); } layers.sh(el); }, _hide: function(el, con) { var done = function() { if (con && con.visibilityHide) { addClass(con, 'box_layer_hidden'); } else { hide(con); } if ((!isVisible(boxLayerWrap) || boxLayerWrap.visibilityHide) && ((window.mvcur && mvcur.minimized) || !isVisible(window.mvLayerWrap)) && !isVisible(window.wkLayerWrap)) { layers.visible = false; removeClass(bodyNode, 'layers_shown'); toggleFlash(true); if (browser.mozilla) { pageNode.style.height = 'auto'; pageNode.style.marginTop = '0px'; if (window._oldScroll) { htmlNode.scrollTop = _oldScroll; } } else if (!browser.msie6) { (browser.msie7 ? htmlNode : bodyNode).style.overflow = 'auto'; } } } layers.hd(el, done); } }; // Message box window._message_box_guid = 0; window._message_boxes = []; window._show_flash_timeout = 0; var __bq = boxQueue = { hideAll: function(force, noLoc) { if (force) { while (__bq.count()) { __bq.hideLast(); } return; } if (__bq.count()) { var box = _message_boxes[__bq._boxes.pop()]; box._in_queue = false; box._hide(false, false, noLoc); } while (__bq.count()) { var box = _message_boxes[__bq._boxes.pop()]; box._in_queue = false; } }, hideLast: function(check, e) { if (__bq.count()) { var box = _message_boxes[__bq._boxes[__bq.count() - 1]]; if (check === true && (box.changed || __bq.skip || e && e.target && e.target.tagName && e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'input' && cur.__mdEvent && e.target != cur.__mdEvent.target)) { __bq.skip = false; return; } box.hide(); } if (e && e.type == 'click') return cancelEvent(e); }, hideBGClick: function(e) { if (e && e.target && /^box_layer/.test(e.target.id)) { __bq.hideLast(); } }, count: function() { return __bq._boxes.length; }, _show: function(guid) { var box = _message_boxes[guid]; if (!box || box._in_queue) return; if (__bq.count()) { _message_boxes[__bq._boxes[__bq.count() - 1]]._hide(true, true); } else if (window.tooltips) { tooltips.hideAll(); } box._in_queue = true; var notFirst = __bq.count() ? true : false; __bq.curBox = guid; box._show(notFirst || __bq.currHiding, notFirst); __bq._boxes.push(guid); }, _hide: function(guid) { var box = _message_boxes[guid]; if (!box || !box._in_queue || __bq._boxes[__bq.count() - 1] != guid || !box.isVisible()) return; box._in_queue = false; __bq._boxes.pop(); box._hide(__bq.count() ? true : false); if (__bq.count()) { var prev_guid = __bq._boxes[__bq.count() - 1]; __bq.curBox = prev_guid; _message_boxes[prev_guid]._show(true, true, true); } }, _boxes: [], curBox: 0 }; __bq.hideLastCheck = __bq.hideLast.pbind(true); function curBox() { var b = _message_boxes[__bq.curBox]; return (b && b.isVisible()) ? b : null; } if (!browser.mobile) { addEvent(document, 'keydown', function(e) { if (e.keyCode == KEY.ESC && __bq.count()) { __bq.hideLast(); return false; } }); } function boxRefreshCoords(cont) { var height = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || boxLayerBG.offsetHeight; var top = browser.mobile ? intval(window.pageYOffset) : 0; containerSize = getSize(cont); cont.style.marginTop = Math.max(10, top + (height - containerSize[1]) / 3) + 'px'; } function MessageBox(options, dark) { var defaults = { title: false, titleControls: '', width: 450, height: 'auto', animSpeed: 0, bodyStyle: '', grey: false, selfDestruct: true, progress: false, hideOnBGClick: false, hideButtons: false, onShow: false, onHideAttempt: false, onBeforeHide: false, onHide: false, onClean: false, onDestroy: false }; options = extend(defaults, options); var buttonsCount = 0, boxContainer, boxBG, boxLayout; var boxTitleWrap, boxTitle, boxTitleControls, boxCloseButton, boxBody; var boxControlsWrap, boxControls, boxButtons, boxProgress, boxControlsText; var guid = _message_box_guid++, visible = false, btns = {'ok' : [], 'cancel' : []}; if (!options.progress) options.progress = 'box_progress' + guid; var controlsStyle = options.hideButtons ? ' style="display: none"' : ''; boxContainer = ce('div', { className: 'popup_box_container'+(options.containerClass ? ' '+options.containerClass : ''), innerHTML: '\
' }, { display: 'none' }); hide(boxContainer); boxLayout = domFC(boxContainer); boxTitleWrap = domFC(boxLayout); boxCloseButton = domFC(boxTitleWrap); boxTitle = domLC(boxTitleWrap); boxTitleControls = domNS(boxCloseButton); if (options.noCloseButton) hide(boxCloseButton); boxBody = domNS(boxTitleWrap); boxControlsWrap = domNS(boxBody); boxControls = domFC(boxControlsWrap); boxButtons = domFC(boxControls); boxProgress = domNS(boxButtons); boxControlsText = domNS(boxProgress); boxLayer.appendChild(boxContainer); refreshBox(); boxRefreshCoords(boxContainer); var emitter = new EventEmitter(); // Refresh box properties function refreshBox() { // Set title if (options.title) { boxTitle.innerHTML = options.title; removeClass(boxBody, 'box_no_title'); show(boxTitleWrap); } else { addClass(boxBody, 'box_no_title'); hide(boxTitleWrap); } if (options.titleControls) { boxTitleControls.innerHTML = options.titleControls; } toggleClass(boxBody, 'box_no_buttons', options.hideButtons); toggleClass(boxTitleWrap, 'box_grey', options.grey); // Set box dimensions boxContainer.style.width = typeof(options.width) == 'string' ? options.width : options.width + 'px'; boxContainer.style.height = typeof(options.height) == 'string' ? options.height : options.height + 'px'; } // Add button function addButton(label, onclick, type) { ++buttonsCount; var btnClass = 'flat_button', type; if (type == 'no' || type == 'gray') { btnClass += ' secondary'; type = 'cancel'; } else { type = 'ok'; } var handler = function() { emitter.emit(type, retBox); onclick.apply(null, arguments); } var buttonWrap = ce('button', { className: btnClass, innerHTML: label }), row = boxButtons.rows[0], cell = row.insertCell(0); cell.appendChild(buttonWrap); createButton(buttonWrap, handler); btns[type].push(buttonWrap); return buttonWrap; } // Add custom controls text function setControlsText(text) { boxControlsText.innerHTML = text; } // Remove buttons function removeButtons() { var row = boxButtons.rows[0]; while (row.cells.length) { cleanElems(row.cells[0]); row.deleteCell(0); } btns.ok.length = btns.cancel.length = 0; } var destroyMe = function() { if (isFunction(options.onClean)) options.onClean(); if (isFunction(options.onDestroy)) options.onDestroy(); removeButtons(); cleanElems(boxContainer, boxCloseButton, boxTitleWrap, boxControlsWrap); boxLayer.removeChild(boxContainer); delete _message_boxes[guid]; if (options.onWidgetHide) { options.onWidgetHide(); } } // Hide box var hideMe = function(showingOther, tempHiding, noLoc) { if (!visible) return; visible = false; var speed = (showingOther === true) ? 0 : options.animSpeed; if (options.hideOnBGClick) { removeEvent(document, 'click', __bq.hideBGClick); } if (isFunction(options.onBeforeHide)) { options.onBeforeHide(); } if (_layerAnim && !showingOther) { layers.boxhide(); } var onHide = function() { if (__bq.currHiding == _message_boxes[guid]) { __bq.currHiding = false; } if (!_layerAnim && !_message_boxes[guid].shOther && !showingOther) { layers.boxhide(); } if (!tempHiding && options.selfDestruct) { destroyMe(); } else { hide(boxContainer); } if (isFunction(options.onHide)) { options.onHide(noLoc); } } if (speed > 0) { __bq.currHiding = _message_boxes[guid]; fadeOut(boxContainer, speed, onHide); } else { onHide(); } } // Show box function showMe(noAnim, notFirst, isReturned) { if (visible || !_message_boxes[guid]) return; visible = true; var speed = (noAnim === true || notFirst) ? 0 : options.animSpeed; if (options.hideOnBGClick) { addEvent(document, 'click', __bq.hideBGClick); } // Show blocking background if (!notFirst) { layers.boxshow(); } if (__bq.currHiding) { __bq.currHiding.shOther = true; var cont = __bq.currHiding.bodyNode.parentNode.parentNode; data(cont, 'tween').stop(true); } // Show box if (speed > 0) { fadeIn(boxContainer, speed); } else { show(boxContainer); } boxRefreshCoords(boxContainer); if (options.onShow) { options.onShow(isReturned); } _message_box_shown = true; } addEvent(boxCloseButton, 'click', __bq.hideLast); var retBox = _message_boxes[guid] = { guid: guid, _show: showMe, _hide: hideMe, bodyNode: boxBody, titleWrap: boxTitleWrap, btns: btns, // Show box show: function() { __bq._show(guid); return this; }, progress: boxProgress, showCloseProgress: addClass.pbind(boxTitleWrap, 'box_loading'), hideCloseProgress: removeClass.pbind(boxTitleWrap, 'box_loading'), showProgress: function() { hide(boxControlsText); show(boxProgress); }, hideProgress: function() { hide(boxProgress); show(boxControlsText); }, // Hide box hide: function(attemptParam) { if (isFunction(options.onHideAttempt) && !options.onHideAttempt(attemptParam)) return false; __bq._hide(guid); return true; }, isVisible: function() { return visible; }, bodyHeight: function() { return getStyle(boxBody, 'height'); }, // Insert html content into the box content: function(html) { if (options.onClean) options.onClean(); boxBody.innerHTML = html; boxRefreshCoords(boxContainer); refreshBox(); return this; }, emit: function(ev, arg) { emitter.emit(ev, arg); }, // Add button addButton: function(label, onclick, type, returnBtn) { var btn = addButton(label, onclick ? onclick : this.hide, type); return (returnBtn) ? btn : this; }, setButtons: function(yes, onYes, no, onNo) { var b = this.removeButtons(); if (!yes) return b.addButton(box_close); b.addButton(yes, onYes) if (no) b.addButton(no, onNo, 'no'); return b; }, // Set controls text setControlsText: setControlsText, // Remove buttons removeButtons: function() { removeButtons(); return this; }, destroy: destroyMe, getOptions: function() { return options; }, on: function(ev, handler) { emitter.on(ev, handler); }, once: function(ev, handler) { emitter.once(ev, handler); }, // Update box options setOptions: function(newOptions) { if (options.hideOnBGClick) { removeEvent(document, 'click', __bq.hideBGClick); } options = extend(options, newOptions); if ('bodyStyle' in newOptions) { var items = options.bodyStyle.split(';'); for (var i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; ++i) { var name_value = items[i].split(':'); if (name_value.length > 1 && name_value[0].length) { boxBody.style[trim(name_value[0])] = trim(name_value[1]); if (boxBody.style.setProperty) { boxBody.style.setProperty(trim(name_value[0]), trim(name_value[1]), ''); } } } } if (options.hideOnBGClick) { addEvent(document, 'click', __bq.hideBGClick); } toggle(boxControlsWrap, !options.hideButtons); refreshBox(); if (!options.noRefreshCoords) { boxRefreshCoords(boxContainer); } return this; }, evalBox: function(js, url, params) { var scr = '((function() { return function() { var box = this; ' + (js || '') + ';}; })())'; // IE :( if (__debugMode) { var fn = eval(scr); fn.apply(this, [url, params]); } else try { var fn = eval(scr); fn.apply(this, [url, params]); } catch (e) { topError(e, {dt: 15, type: 7, url: url, query: params ? ajx2q(params) : undefined, js: js}); } } } return retBox; } function showBox(url, params, options, e) { if (checkEvent(e)) return false; var opts = options || {}; var boxParams = opts.params || {}; if (opts.containerClass) { boxParams.containerClass = opts.containerClass; } var box = new MessageBox(boxParams); var p = { onDone: function(title, html, js, data) { if (!box.isVisible()) { if (opts.onDone) opts.onDone(box, data); return; } function processResponse() { show(boxLayerBG); addClass(bodyNode, 'layers_shown'); box.setOptions({title: title, hideButtons: boxParams.hideButtons || false}); if (opts.showProgress) { box.show(); } else { show(box.bodyNode); } box.content(html); box.evalBox(js, url, params); if (opts.onDone) opts.onDone(box, data); } if (__debugMode) { processResponse(); } else { try { processResponse(); } catch(e) { topError(e, {dt: 15, type: 103, url: url, query: ajx2q(params), answer: Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join('')}); if (box.isVisible()) box.hide(); } } }, onFail: function(error) { box.failed = true; setTimeout(box.hide, 0); if (isFunction(opts.onFail)) return opts.onFail(error); }, cache: opts.cache, stat: opts.stat, fromBox: true }; if (opts.prgEl) { opts.showProgress = showGlobalPrg.pbind(opts.prgEl, {cls: opts.prgClass, w: opts.prgW, h: opts.prgH, hide: true}); opts.hideProgress = hide.pbind('global_prg'); } if (opts.showProgress) { extend(p, { showProgress: opts.showProgress, hideProgress: opts.hideProgress }); } else { box.setOptions({title: false, hideButtons: true}).show(); if (__bq.count() < 2) { hide(boxLayerBG); removeClass(bodyNode, 'layers_shown'); } hide(box.bodyNode); p.showProgress = function() { show(boxLoader); boxRefreshCoords(boxLoader); } p.hideProgress = hide.pbind(boxLoader); } box.removeButtons().addButton(getLang('global_close')); ajax.post(url, params, p); return box; } function showTabbedBox(url, params, options, e) { options = options || {}; options.stat = options.stat || []; options.stat.push('box.js', 'boxes.css'); return showBox(url, params, options, e) } function showFastBox(o, c, yes, onYes, no, onNo) { return (new MessageBox(typeof(o) == 'string' ? {title: o} : o)).content(c).setButtons(yes, onYes, no, onNo).show(); } function showCaptchaBox(sid, dif, box, o) { var done = function(e) { if (e && e.keyCode !== undefined && e.keyCode != 10 && e.keyCode != 13) return; var key = geByTag1('input', box.bodyNode); if (!trim(key.value) && e !== true) { elfocus(key); return; } var imgs = geByTag1('img', box.bodyNode); var captcha = imgs[0], loader = imgs[1]; removeEvent(key); removeEvent(captcha); show(geByClass1('progress', box.bodyNode)); hide(key); o.onSubmit(sid, key.value); } var was_box = box ? true : false; var difficulty = intval(dif) ? '' : '&s=1'; var imgSrc = o.imgSrc || '/captcha.php?sid=' + sid + difficulty; if (!was_box) { var content = '\
' + (o.addText || ''); box = showFastBox({ title: getLang('captcha_enter_code'), width: 305, onHide: o.onHide, onDestroy: o.onDestroy || false }, content, getLang('captcha_send'), function() { box.submit(); }, getLang('captcha_cancel'), function() { var key = geByTag1('input', box.bodyNode); var captcha = geByTag1('img', box.bodyNode); removeEvent(key); removeEvent(captcha); box.hide(); }); } box.submit = done.pbind(true); var key = geByTag1('input', box.bodyNode); var captcha = geByTag1('img', box.bodyNode); if (was_box) { key.value = ''; captcha.src = '/captcha.php?sid=' + sid + difficulty; hide(geByClass1('progress', box.bodyNode)); } show(key); addEvent(key, 'keypress', done); addEvent(captcha, 'click', function() { this.src = '/captcha.php?sid=' + sid + difficulty + '&v=' + irand(1000000, 2000000); }); elfocus(key); return box; } function showReCaptchaBox(key, lang, box, o) { window.recaptchaResponse = function(response) { o.onSubmit(response); }; var was_box = box ? true : false, loaded = !!window.grecaptcha; if (!was_box) { if (!loaded) { window.recaptchaCallback = function() { var _box = curBox(); if (!_box) return; var wrapId = geByClass1('recaptcha', _box.bodyNode); if (!wrapId) return; val(wrapId, ''); grecaptcha.render(wrapId, { sitekey: key, callback: recaptchaResponse }); } headNode.appendChild(ce('script', { type: 'text/javascript', src: 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?onload=recaptchaCallback&render=explicit&hl=' + lang })); } var content = '
' + (o.addText || ''); box = showFastBox({ title: getLang('global_recaptcha_title'), width: 354, onHide: o.onHide, onDestroy: o.onDestroy || false }, content, getLang('captcha_cancel')); var wrap = geByClass1('recaptcha', box.bodyNode); wrap.id = 'recaptcha' + (box.guid ? box.guid : '0'); showProgress(wrap); } if (was_box && loaded) { grecaptcha.reset(); } else if (loaded) { recaptchaCallback(); } box.changed = true; return box; } function showDoneBox(msg, opts) { opts = opts || {}; var l = (opts.w || 380) + 20; var style = opts.w ? ' style="width: ' + opts.w + 'px;"' : ''; var pageW = bodyNode.offsetWidth, resEl = ce('div', { className: 'top_result_baloon_wrap fixed', innerHTML: '
' + msg + '
' }, {left: (pageW - l) / 2}); bodyNode.insertBefore(resEl, bodyNode.firstChild); boxRefreshCoords(resEl); var out = opts.out || 2000; var _fadeOut = function() { setTimeout(function() { if (opts.permit && !opts.permit()) { _fadeOut(); return; } fadeOut(resEl.firstChild, 500, function() { re(resEl); if (opts.callback) { opts.callback(); } }); }, out); } _fadeOut(); } /* UI Radio */ window.radioBtns = {}; function radioval(name) { return radioBtns[name] ? radioBtns[name].val : false; } function radiobtn(el, v, name) { if (!radioBtns[name]) return; each(radioBtns[name].els, function() { if (this == el) { addClass(this, 'on'); } else { removeClass(this, 'on'); } }); return radioBtns[name].val = v; } /* UI Buttons */ function createButton(el, onClick) { el = ge(el); if (!el || el.btnevents) return; if (hasClass(el, 'flat_button')) { if (isFunction(onClick)) { el.onclick = onClick.pbind(el); } return; } var p = el.parentNode; if (hasClass(p, 'button_blue') || hasClass(p, 'button_gray')) { if (isFunction(onClick)) { el.onclick = onClick.pbind(el); } return; } var hover = false; addEvent(el, 'click mousedown mouseover mouseout', function(e) { if (hasClass(p, 'locked')) return; switch (e.type) { case 'click': if (!hover) return; el.className = 'button_hover'; onClick(el); return cancelEvent(e); break; case 'mousedown': el.className = 'button_down'; break; case 'mouseover': hover = true; el.className = 'button_hover'; break; case 'mouseout': el.className = 'button'; hover = false; break; } }); el.btnevents = true; } function actionsMenuItemLocked(el) { if (!(el = ge(el))) return; return hasClass(el, 'ui_actions_menu_item_lock'); } function lockActionsMenuItem(el) { if ( (el = ge(el)) && hasClass(el, 'ui_actions_menu_item') && !hasClass(el, 'ui_actions_menu_item_lock') ) { data(el, 'inner', el.innerHTML); addClass(el, 'ui_actions_menu_item_lock'); var lockText = ce('div', {className: 'ui_actions_menu_item_lock_text'}); val(lockText, el.innerHTML); el.appendChild(lockText); showProgress(el); } } function unlockActionsMenuItem(el) { if ( (el = ge(el)) && hasClass(el, 'ui_actions_menu_item') && hasClass(el, 'ui_actions_menu_item_lock') ) { removeClass(el, 'ui_actions_menu_item_lock'); el.innerHTML = data(el, 'inner'); } } function linkLocked(el) { if (!(el = ge(el))) return; return hasClass(el, 'link_lock'); } function lockLink(el) { if ( !(el = ge(el)) || el.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'a' || linkLocked(el) ) return; addClass(el, 'link_lock'); } function unlockLink(el) { if ( !(el = ge(el)) || !linkLocked(el) ) return; removeClass(el, 'link_lock'); } function lockButton(el) { if (!(el = ge(el))) return; if (el.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'button' && !hasClass(el, 'flat_button') && !hasClass(el, 'wr_header') || isButtonLocked(el)) return; var elSize = getSize(el); addClass(el, 'flat_btn_lock'); data(el, 'inner', el.innerHTML); setStyle(el, { width: elSize[0], height: elSize[1] }); el.innerHTML = ''; showProgress(el, 'btn_lock'); } function unlockButton(el) { if (!(el = ge(el))) return; if (!isButtonLocked(el)) return; hideProgress(el); el.innerHTML = data(el, 'inner'); removeClass(el, 'flat_btn_lock'); setStyle(el, { width: null, height: null }); } function buttonLocked(el) { return isButtonLocked(el); } function isButtonLocked(el) { if (!(el = ge(el))) return; return hasClass(el, 'flat_btn_lock'); } function disableButton(el, disable) { if (!(el = ge(el)) || el.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'button') return; if (disable) { if (!isVisible(el)) { return } el.parentNode.insertBefore(ce('button', {innerHTML: el.innerHTML, className: el.className + ' button_disabled'}), el); hide(el); } else { var disabledEl = domPS(el); if (disabledEl && hasClass(disabledEl, 'button_disabled')) re(disabledEl); show(el); } } function lockFlatButton(el) { if (!el || el.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'button' || isButtonLocked(el)) return; addClass(el, 'flat_btn_lock'); el.innerHTML = ''+el.innerHTML+''; } function unlockFlatButton(el) { if (!isButtonLocked(el)) return; el.innerHTML = el.firstChild.innerHTML; removeClass(el, 'flat_btn_lock'); } /* UI Ads */ window.__adsLoaded = vkNow(); function __adsGetAjaxParams(ajaxParams, ajaxOptions) { __adsGetAjaxParams = function() { return window.AdsLight && AdsLight.getAjaxParams.apply(AdsLight.getAjaxParams, arguments) || {al_ad: null}; }; var result = stManager.add(['aes_light.js'], __adsGetAjaxParams.pbind(ajaxParams, ajaxOptions)); return result || {al_ad: null}; } function __adsUpdate(force) { __adsUpdate = function() { window.AdsLight && AdsLight.updateBlock.apply(AdsLight.updateBlock, arguments); }; stManager.add(['aes_light.js'], __adsUpdate.pbind(force)); } function __adsSet(adsHtml, adsSection, adsCanShow, adsShowed, adsParams) { __adsSet = function() { window.AdsLight && AdsLight.setNewBlock.apply(AdsLight.setNewBlock, arguments); }; stManager.add(['aes_light.js'], __adsSet.pbind(adsHtml, adsSection, adsCanShow, adsShowed, adsParams)); } /* Post video */ window._videoLastInlined = false; function showVideo(videoId, listId, options, ev) { if (cur.viewAsBox) return cur.viewAsBox(); if (checkEvent(ev)) return true; if (window.mvcur && mvcur.mvShown && mvcur.minimized && mvcur.videoRaw == videoId) { videoview.unminimize(); return false; } if (!options) { options = {}; } var claim = nav.objLoc.claim, stat = ['videoview.js', 'videoview.css', 'page.js', 'page.css']; if (options.playlistId) { options.addParams = extend(options.addParams, {playlist_id: options.playlistId}); if (!window.VideoPlaylist || !VideoPlaylist.getList(options.playlistId)) { options.addParams.load_playlist = intval(/^-?\d+_-?\d+$/.test(options.playlistId)); } } var hub = new callHub(function() { if (!options.hidden) { revertLastInlineVideo(); videoview.showVideo.apply(videoview, hub.data); } else { options.hidden(hub.data, options, listId, videoId); } }, 2); stManager.add(stat, function() { if (!options.hidden) { videoview.show(ev, videoId, listId, options); } hub.done(); }); extend(options, {onDone: function() { hub.data = arguments; hub.done(); }, cache: (listId != 'status')}); var actParams = options.params; if (!actParams) { actParams = { act: 'show', video: videoId, list: listId, autoplay: (options.autoplay) ? 1 : 0, ad_video: options.ad_video, module: options.module || currentModule() || '', svids: options.svids, }; } if (options.addParams) { actParams = extend(actParams, options.addParams); } if (!trim(actParams.module)) { extend(actParams, { _nol: JSON.stringify(nav.objLoc) }); } if (claim) { actParams.claim = claim; } ajax.post('al_video.php', actParams, options); vkImage().src = locProtocol + '//vk.com/rtrg?r=w*Z1Flwi3QdbWaoLMc7zOA*7Cr4Nrtojr9otHjsjIhsb2CVqRWalgbvxZw3MzxZa6be3Siu2XY3gvK5fysYtWLWgNwHMpjRTupSGZrcGRNlj7fduqq9*t7ij6CX4aMcBTD5be8mIXJsbTsvP8Zl2RZEd76a4FTuCOFqzMxqGtFc-'; return false; } window.VideoConstants = { VIDEO_ITEM_INDEX_OWNER_ID: 0, VIDEO_ITEM_INDEX_ID: 1, VIDEO_ITEM_INDEX_THUMB: 2, VIDEO_ITEM_INDEX_TITLE: 3, VIDEO_ITEM_INDEX_FLAGS: 4, VIDEO_ITEM_INDEX_DURATION: 5, VIDEO_ITEM_INDEX_HASH: 6, VIDEO_ITEM_INDEX_MODER_ACTS: 7, VIDEO_ITEM_INDEX_OWNER: 8, VIDEO_ITEM_INDEX_DATE: 9, VIDEO_ITEM_INDEX_VIEWS: 10, VIDEO_ITEM_FLAG_EXTERNAL: 1 << 0, VIDEO_ITEM_FLAG_DOMAIN_YT: 1 << 1, VIDEO_ITEM_FLAG_DOMAIN_COUB: 1 << 2, VIDEO_ITEM_FLAG_DOMAIN_RT: 1 << 3, VIDEO_ITEM_FLAG_DOMAIN_PLADFORM: 1 << 4, VIDEO_ITEM_FLAG_DOMAIN_VIMEO: 1 << 5, VIDEO_ITEM_FLAG_CAN_EDIT: 1 << 6, VIDEO_ITEM_FLAG_CAN_DELETE: 1 << 7, VIDEO_ITEM_FLAG_CAN_ADD: 1 << 8, VIDEO_ITEM_FLAG_PRIVATE: 1 << 9, VIDEO_ITEM_FLAG_NO_AUTOPLAY: 1 << 10, VIDEO_ITEM_FLAG_ADDED: 1 << 11, VIDEO_ITEM_FLAG_SKIP_THUMB_LOAD: 1 << 12, VIDEO_ITEM_FLAG_NEED_SIGN_IN: 1 << 13, VIDEO_ITEM_FLAG_HD: 1 << 14, }; function videoCallback(params) { var method = params.shift(); if (window.Videoview && Videoview.playerCallback[method]) { Videoview.playerCallback[method].apply(Videoview, params); } else { throw Error('Unregistered player callback: ' + method); } } function checkMp4(callback) { if (window.localStorage && localStorage.getItem('video_can_play_mp4')) { callback(true); return; } var sessionValue = window.sessionStorage && sessionStorage.getItem('video_can_play_mp4'); if (sessionValue != null) { callback(!!intval(sessionValue)); return; } var _timeout; var _resolved; var v = ce('video'); if (v.canPlayType && v.canPlayType('video/mp4')) { v.onloadedmetadata = _resolve.pbind(true); v.onerror = _resolve.pbind(false); v.src = '/images/blank.mp4'; v.load(); _timeout = setTimeout(_resolve.pbind(false), 10000); } else { _resolve(false); } function _resolve(canPlay) { if (_resolved) return; _resolved = true; var storage = canPlay ? window.localStorage : window.sessionStorage; try { storage.setItem('video_can_play_mp4', intval(canPlay)); } catch(e) {} callback(canPlay); clearTimeout(_timeout); v.src = ''; v.load(); v = v.onloadedmetadata = v.onerror = null; } } /* Post audio */ function updGlobalPlayer() { return false; } function audioSearchPerformer(ref, ev) {} function padAudioPlaylist() { return window.audioPlaylist || ls.get('pad_playlist'); } function toggleAudioLyrics(event, ref, audioId, lyricsId) { if (!lyricsId) { return false; } var audioRowEl = gpeByClass('_audio_row', ref); var lyricsEl = geByClass1('_audio_lyrics_wrap', audioRowEl); if (lyricsEl.innerHTML) { toggle(lyricsEl); cancelEvent(event); return false; } lyricsId = intval(lyricsId); if (lyricsId) { addClass(audioRowEl, 'audio_loading'); showProgress(audioRowEl); ajax.post('al_audio.php', { act: 'get_lyrics', aid: audioId, lid: lyricsId }, { onDone: function(lyrics) { hideProgress(audioRowEl); removeClass(audioRowEl, 'audio_loading'); lyricsEl.innerHTML = lyrics; show(lyricsEl); } }); cancelEvent(event); } return false; } function getAudioPlayer() { getAudioPlayer.run || extend(getAudioPlayer, { queue: [], run: function() { window.ap = new AudioPlayer(); var func = null; while (func = getAudioPlayer.queue.shift()) ap[func.name].apply(ap, func.args); }, wrapper: { toggleAudio: function() { getAudioPlayer.queue.push({ name: 'toggleAudio', args: [].slice.call(arguments) }); } } }); if (window.ap) return ap; if (window.AudioPlayer) return window.ap = new AudioPlayer(); stManager.add(['audioplayer.js', 'audioplayer.css', 'ui_common.js', 'ui_common.css'], getAudioPlayer.run); return getAudioPlayer.wrapper; } function prepareAudioLayer(cb) { stManager.add(['audio.js', 'audioplayer.js', 'ui_controls.js', 'ui_controls.css', 'audio.css', 'suggester.js', 'auto_list.js', 'indexer.js'], function() { cb && cb(); }); } function showAudioLayer(event, btn) { prepareAudioLayer(function() { AudioUtils.showAudioLayer(btn); }); return cancelEvent(event); } function audioShowActionTooltip(btn) { if (cur._addRestoreInProgress) return; var audioRow = gpeByClass('_audio_row', btn); var text = btn.id; var audioFullId = domData(audioRow, 'full-id'); cur._audioAddRestoreInfo = cur._audioAddRestoreInfo || {}; switch(text) { case 'delete': if (hasClass(audioRow, 'recoms')) { text = getLang('audio_dont_show'); } else { var restores = cur._restores && cur._restores[audioFullId]; if (restores && restores.deleteAll) { text = restores.deleteAll.text; } else { text = getLang('audio_delete_audio'); } } break; case 'add': if (hasClass(audioRow, 'recoms') && hasClass(audioRow, 'audio_deleted')) { text = getLang('audio_restore_audio'); } else { var info = cur._audioAddRestoreInfo[audioFullId]; if (info && info.state == 'deleted') { text = getLang('audio_restore_audio'); } else if (info && info.state == AudioUtils.AUDIO_STATE_ADDED) { text = getLang('audio_delete_audio'); } else { var audioPage = window.AudioPage ? AudioPage(btn) : false; if (audioPage && audioPage.options.oid < 0 && audioPage.options.canAudioAddToGroup) { text = getLang('audio_add_to_group'); } else { text = getLang('audio_add_to_audio'); } } } break; case 'edit': text = getLang('audio_edit_audio'); break; case 'next': text = (cur.lang && cur.lang.global_audio_set_next_audio) || getLang('audio_set_next_audio'); break; case 'recom': text = getLang('audio_show_recommendations'); break; } var options = {text: function() { return text; }, black: 1, shift: [8, 5, 0], needLeft: true}; if (gpeByClass('_im_mess_stack', btn)) { options.appendParentCls = '_im_mess_stack'; options.shift = [13, 10, 0]; options.noZIndex = true; } else if (gpeByClass('top_notify_wrap', btn)) { options.appendParentCls = 'top_notify_wrap'; } showTooltip(btn, options); } function playAudioNew() { cur.gpHidden = true; var args = arguments; if (args[args.length-1] !== false) args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments).concat([true]); if (!browser.ipad) { stManager.add(['audioplayer.js', 'audioplayer.css'], function() { audioPlayer.operate.apply(null, args); }); } else { audioPlayer.operate.apply(null, args); } } function currentAudioId() { return window.audioPlayer && audioPlayer.id; } function addAudio(btn, event) { stManager.add(['audioplayer.js'], function() { AudioUtils.addAudio(btn); }); return cancelEvent(event); } /* Post photo */ function isPhotoeditor3Available() { return (browser.msie ? parseInt(browser.version) > 10 : true); } /* Widgets */ window.Widgets = { popupBoxWidth: 450, popupBoxHeight: 300, popupBoxOpen: function(url, params, name, opts) { opts = extend({ width: this.popupBoxWidth, height: this.popupBoxHeight, onClose: null }, opts); params = extend({ widget: 4 }, params); var left = Math.max(0, (screen.width - opts.width) / 2), top = Math.max(0, (screen.height - opts.height) / 2); if (!/^https?:\/\//i.test(url)) { url = location.protocol + '//' + location.host + '/' + url.replace(/^\/+/, ''); } window.activePopup = window.open(url + '?' + ajx2q(params), name, 'width='+opts.width+',height='+opts.height+',left='+left+',top='+top+',menubar=0,toolbar=0,location=0,status=0'); if (activePopup) { activePopup.focus(); opts.onClose && (function check() { !activePopup || activePopup.closed ? opts.onClose() : setTimeout(check, 1000); })(); } }, popupBoxAdjust: function(startWidth, startHeight, opts) { opts = extend({ nocenter: false, container: false, forceWidth: false, forceHeight: false, minWidth: 0, minHeight: 0, attempts: 5, interval: 500 }, opts); if (window.panelsHeight == void 0) window.panelsHeight = null; if (window.panelsWidth == void 0) window.panelsWidth = null; window.popupWidth = null; window.popupHeight = null; var interruptedCentering = opts.nocenter, interruptedResize = false, inter = 0, lastLeft = null, lastTop = null, loaded = false, resized = false, container = opts.container || geByClass1('widgets_popup_box') || ge('page_wrap'); if (!container) return; if (!startWidth) startWidth = this.popupBoxWidth; if (!startHeight) startHeight = this.popupBoxHeight; function sL() {return window.screenX !== void 0 ? 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'' : '&s=1'; var imgSrc = o.imgSrc || '/captcha.php?sid=' + sid + difficulty; showBox('al_apps.php', { act: 'show_captcha_box', sid: sid, src: imgSrc, need_mobile: intval(window.need_mobile_act == 1), widget_width: 322 }); cur.Rpc.methods.captcha = o.onSubmit || function () {}; cur.Rpc.methods.captchaHide = function() { isFunction(cur.captchaHide) && cur.captchaHide(); isFunction(o.onHide) && o.onHide(); } }, showReCaptchaBox: function(key, lang, box, o) { showBox('al_apps.php', { act: 'show_recaptcha_box', box_msg: o.addText, widget_width: 352 }); cur.Rpc.methods.recaptcha = o.onSubmit || function() {}; cur.Rpc.methods.recaptchaHide = function() { isFunction(cur.recaptchaHide) && cur.recaptchaHide(); isFunction(o.onHide) && o.onHide(); } }, showPhoto: function(photo, list) { showBox('al_photos.php', { act: 'photo_box', photo: photo, wall_owner: photo.split('_')[0], list: list, widget_width: 654 }); return false; }, showVideo: function(video, list) { window.revertLastInlineVideo && revertLastInlineVideo(); showBox('al_video.php', { act: 'video_box', video: video, list: list, wall_owner: video.split('_')[0], widget_width: 780, module: cur.module || '_alpost' }); return false; }, showSubscribeBox: function(oid, callback, state, isEvent) { window.subscribedCallback = callback ? callback : function() {}; Widgets.popupBoxOpen('widget_community.php', { act: 'a_subscribe_box', oid: oid, state: state !== void 0 ? state : 1, is_event: isEvent ? 1 : void 0 }, 'vk_subscribe', { height: 290 }); }, showUnsubscribeBox: function(oid, callback) { window.unsubscribedCallback = callback ? callback : function() {}; Widgets.popupBoxOpen('widget_community.php', { act: 'a_unsubscribe_box', oid: oid }, 'vk_unsubscribe', { height: 290 }); }, showBox: function(allowed, onbefore) { var originalShowBox = window.showBox; allowed = extend(allowed || {}, { 'blank.php': true, 'al_apps.php': {'show_captcha_box': true, 'show_recaptcha_box': true} }); return function(url, params, options, e) { if (allowed[url] && (!isObject(allowed[url]) || allowed[url][params.act])) { window.tooltips && tooltips.hideAll(); onbefore && onbefore(); var stat = params.act && isObject(allowed[url]) && allowed[url][params.act].stat; stat && cur.Rpc.callMethod('showLoader', true); stManager.add(stat || [], function() { params = extend({ widget_hash: cur.widgetHash, widget: 2, scrollbar_width: window.sbWidth(), widget_width: options && options.params && intval(options.params.width) || void(0) }, params); cur.Rpc.callMethod('showBox', url+'?' + ajx2q(params), { height: window.outerHeight || screen.availHeight || 768, width: window.outerWidth || screen.availWidth || 1028, base_domain: '//' + location.hostname + '/' }); }); } else { debugLog('Forbidden request: '+params.act+' in '+url); return originalShowBox.apply(null, [].slice.call(arguments)); } } }, showInlineVideo: function(videoId, listId, options, ev, thumb) { if (checkEvent(ev)) return true; if (window.mvcur && mvcur.mvShown) { return showVideo(videoId, listId, options, ev); } options = options || {}; options.params = options.params || {act: 'show_inline', video: videoId, list: listId, autoplay: (options.autoplay) ? 1 : 0, module: options.module || cur.module || ''}; if (!trim(options.params.module)) { extend(options.params, { _nol: JSON.stringify(nav.objLoc) }); } var h = thumb.clientHeight, w = thumb.clientWidth, btn = geByClass1('video_play_inline', thumb, 'div'); extend(options.params, {width: w, height: h}); extend(options.params, options.addParams); options.onDone = function (title, html, js, opts) { revertLastInlineVideo(); hide(thumb); var videoWrap = ce('div', {id: 'page_video_inline_wrap' + videoId, className: 'page_video_inline_wrap', innerHTML: html}, {width: w, height: h}), videoBg = ge('video_background' + videoId); _videoLastInlined = [videoWrap, thumb] thumb.parentNode.appendChild(videoWrap); videoBg && setStyle(geByTag1('img', videoBg), {width: w, height: h}); cur.mvOpts = opts && opts.mvData ? opts.mvData : false; if (opts.player) { var container = domByClass(videoWrap, 'video_box_wrap'); VideoInitializer.initPlayer(container, opts.player.type, opts.player.params); } try { eval('(function () {' + js + '})();'); } catch (e) { } if (!options.params.mute) { var _n = window.Notifier, _a = window.audioPlayer; if (_n) setTimeout(function() { _n.lcSend('video_start'); }, 0); if (_a && _a.player && !_a.player.paused()) { _a.pauseTrack(); _a.pausedByVideo = 1; } } }; options.onFail = function(text) { showBox('blank.php', {code: 1901}); return true; } options.showProgress = function () { addClass(btn, 'video_play_inline_loading'); }; options.hideProgress = function () { removeClass(btn, 'video_play_inline_loading'); }; stManager.add('videoview.js', function() { ajax.post('al_video.php', options.params, options); vkImage().src = locProtocol + '//vk.com/rtrg?r=w*Z1Flwi3QdbWaoLMc7zOA*7Cr4Nrtojr9otHjsjIhsb2CVqRWalgbvxZw3MzxZa6be3Siu2XY3gvK5fysYtWLWgNwHMpjRTupSGZrcGRNlj7fduqq9*t7ij6CX4aMcBTD5be8mIXJsbTsvP8Zl2RZEd76a4FTuCOFqzMxqGtFc-'; }); return false; }, revertLastInlineVideo: function(ancestor) { if (!_videoLastInlined) { return; } var current, found = false; if ((ancestor = ge(ancestor)) && (current = _videoLastInlined[0])) { while (current = current.parentNode) { if (current == ancestor) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { return; } } re(_videoLastInlined[0]); show(_videoLastInlined[1]); _videoLastInlined = false; delete cur.mvOpts; }, pauseLastInlineVideo: function() { if (!_videoLastInlined) { return; } var player = ge('video_player') || window.html5video || null; if (player && player.playVideo) { player.playVideo(false); } } }; addEvent(window, 'DOMContentLoaded load', function() { vk.loaded = true; }); try{stManager.done('lite.js');}catch(e){}